chapter 11

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I shook my head, got off my bed and zipped down the stairs. Everything's okay. Everything looks normal. Moms in the kitchen, dad is reading the newspaper and sister is watching TV.

"Hey Adam, where were you last night? I texted you but you didn't reply." Lauren asked across the room while I was in the kitchen grabbing an apple. That's weird, I don't remember anything except the mall yesterday, so I replied.

"I was here?" And then my mom came in, "No you weren't sweetie, we called you a lot last night but you didn't seem to pick up."

"But I was here. Maybe you guys never noticed me and possibly my phone died."

"How's that possible? We can obviously notice you coming and the ring wouldn't go if the battery was dead." Lauren said.

"I don't know. I don't remember. All I remember is that I was at the mall and I came back home then I went somewhere else but I forgot where."

"Were you drunk?!" My mom gasped and yelled at the same time.

"No mom I never drink! I just, I don't know. I don't remember anything okay?" And by that I stormed off.

I went to the bathroom. After I was done my business I went towards the sink to wash my hands. I looked up to the mirror and start to fix my hair, a bloody message starts to appear.

"The game has already begun."

And I heard an insanely loud cackle, it gave me the shivers.

I tried to wipe it with a wet towel paper, it vanished. But after a few seconds some other message, same font, same color. But a different message.

“This is your blood I’m writing with. Which means, your death is near. I can taste it.”

I did the same thing with the towel. I wiped the mirror’s surface. And another message appeared once again.


Scared, nervous I punched the mirror and it made a huge impact. After that, it still had a message on it.

“See you all at my place.” With his face next to it. That’s it, I had enough.  I ran out of the bathroom to the living room, telling my mom whatever happened. Lauren heard me yelling, and they both followed me to the bathroom.

“See?” I pointed to the bathroom

“See what Adam?” Lauren said rolling her eyes.

“The mirror! It’s cracked and there’s a message right there can’t you see the bloody me—“

 “There’s nothing there Adam, look.” My mom said. I turned to the mirror only to see everything’s fixed. The mirror is back to place and the message that I didn’t wipe, is gone.

“But I did see! The messages, I heard laughs.

“Maybe you were remembering something funny, then when you looked in the mirror you saw yourself and you punched the mirror because of how hideous you are.” Lauren replied while laughing. Mom laughed as well.

“Shut up sissy, oh whatever. Maybe I didn’t get much sleep.” My mom nodded and we went out of the bathroom.

I ran into my room, picked up my phone and called Naveah, Fiona and as well as Axel. I asked them if they can meet up at the park to discuss about, Finn. They are okay with it and said whenever theyarefree.

I slipped my phone in my pocket and made my way to the park, I see Fiona and Axel but where the heck is Naveah? I got my phone out and texted Naveah.

Where are you? I told you to meet us at the park in 5 mins and you agreed. So get yourself here! It’s important!

It hasn’t been one minute since she replied.

6613? Right? You’re gonna talk about that house. Well I’m already in it, so bring your friends along and we will have fun. Ciao.

My eyes widened, why she went there without us. But something that’s more confusing, how did she know? Did Finn do something to Naveah? And the way she replied, I can tell the emotion, she doesn’t sound like herself either. I turned to Fiona and Axel.

“Just follow me.” I said.

The house is nearby the park, which means we can just walk to the haunted house, basement.

“Where?” Fiona asked.

“Just follow me, and don’t say or touch anything when we reach our location.” Fiona and Axel looked at each other confused, then looked at me, nodded. We started to walk and on our way to the house. We finally reach the house, Axel noticed the place which made him yell. “Are you crazy?! Why are we going here?” Fiona noticed the place too, “Adam, this isn’t safe!” I didn’t reply but went in. “Adam! Are you insane?! Get back here!” Axel yelled, but I didn’t listen. After a minute Axel and Fiona came running after me.

“We’re coming with you.” Fiona said and Axel nodded, I smiled. While walking I heard humming, someone who’s singing. With a beautiful, angelic voice. I asked Fiona and Axel if they can hear the voice, they both nodded and we followed the trail of the melody. It was mesmerizing, as if it was a charm.

Twinkle, twinkle little souls. How I wonder what you are. Wander-ing here and there, you come to me and I consume you. Twinkle, twinkle little souls. I can wait to torture you. Ehehehe

The laugh echoed as if it is trying to control us. Fiona got scared and grabbed on to me and Axel. I don’t blame her, it was honestly scary. I opened the room door where the song was coming from, and it creaked really loud. When I fully opened the door, no one was there. I searched everywhere, while Fiona and Axel were staring at the house, we didn’t go to the basement yet. I want to go at the specific time.

While I was examining, Fiona looked behind me and was stammering. Axel looked at Fiona then his eyes went to the direction Fiona’s eyes were travelling.

“What’s up guys?” I asked, concerned.

“L-l-look b-behind yo-you” Fiona stuttered. And Axel pointed behind me, I whipped my head to see someone hang upside down in front of me. “Whoa!” I yelled and I fell down, sliding back, Fiona and Axel both picked me up. Then the figure turned into a shadow.

“Guests! I welcome you here!” the shadow figure said.

“Show yourself!” I yelled towards the shadow figure.

“Certainly.” After that, the figure revealed itself right in front of my face, invading my personal space. I gasped, “Naveah?”

“Scared?” she replied.

2:45 A.M: in the basement.Where stories live. Discover now