chapter 5

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 I woke up the next day, got ready for school. I got my red sweatshirt and sweatpants, brushed my teeth ate breakfast and went to school. On the way I see Naveah. Never heard from her this and last week.  I went towards her to see what’s up.

“Hey, Naveah where were you the entire time? You never called, messaged or whatever. Kind of got me worried sick you know?”

“Hm? Yeah, sorry about that. I was busy with—things and sorry I didn’t answer your calls or messages.”

“Well, you could’ve at least said something tiny instead of having us worried sick! Well whatever, I’m late for class”


I ignored her and kept walking. It’s pretty asinine, she could’ve at least give us a call or said something in the group conversation. Whatever, no more holding grudges. I walked to class, first period; math. Kill me now.

I see Fiona sitting at her usual spot, so I decided to sit beside her. I took out my binder, pencil and eraser. “Hey,” Fiona whispered. “Any sign of Finn?” I shook my head in disagreement. Where the heck is he? 

"Adam," Fiona turned to speak to me. "I have a dance performance, today at 7:00pm, do you want to come? You and Naveah, well if she has time to come" she mumbled the last part. "Yeah, I have time I'll come and sure I'll see if she can come" I said with a smile. Fiona looked down at her lap, "what's up?" I asked concerned. Fiona took a breath, she looks furious "Naveah is really starting to piss me off, we're partners for our science project and she hasn't shown up for anything." I was speechless. "Whatever though, I'm doing everything. I'm going to finish her parts and I'll take the credit for it. Hopefully Mr. Smith will understand." Fiona continued.  "Yeah that's a good idea." I replied.  The bell rang and we're off to second period.

P.E class, I like it; but don't love it. "Alright boys, today we're going to do soccer! But before that; two laps around the field, go!" Crap, I hate running. But I do like soccer. We walked towards the field and started to do our laps there. "Hey Adam!" Axel patted my shoulder, and we started to jog together. "What's up Cell?" I asked. "Very funny beaver" Axel said rolling his eyes. Axel is an all-star football player, him and his team go all around the world to compete. He's a nice kid too, not a total jock. Axel has a toned body and is a nice tan, his hair is usually up in a quiff. However, every girl in this school is head over heels for this kid, I’m not exaggerating; I’m not kidding.

            We went back into the gym room. “Beaver, today I don’t have a football game. Today I’m not busy, want to come by?” Axel said eagerly. I shook my head “No, sorry. But hey! Fiona has her dance performance today, I have two tickets so if you want to come with me you can!” I said.

“Sure why not? What kind of dances are they going to do?”

            “Hip-Hop and I’m pretty sure street jazz too, Fiona choreographed everything.”

            “I’m coming!”

      Well then everything is settled, I’m damn sure that Naveah won’t show up by all means so I’ll go without her.

            While getting teamed up for soccer, Axel and I were having fun chit chatting about our day and all, also we are put on the same team which is extraordinary. After that the whistled blow and we started to play.  I was dribbling the ball from my side to the opponents side, I hear Axel yelling my name so I passed it towards him. Axel  knows how to play basically every sport which is simply awesome. "Woo! Go Axel!" Some of the girls came walking where the path was, cheering on him. "Yeah, go Cell!" I said with a light laugh. Axel shoots, and he scores! Of course he was going to.

The bell rang which means period two is finished. Oh, and it's lunch time, finally; I'm starving. I lined up in the cafeteria and looked at the menu.

       Today's special: Turkey sandwiches and for dessert, chocolate sundaes.

Mmm, that sounds yummy. That, I'm obviously going to get.


 Last period of the day, and tomorrow, summer break! Kind of--actually, really weird how the school decided to make the summer vacations in the middle of the week. But oh well, I don't care because relaxation I'm coming!

We barely do anything for classes today, in English class we have a party, and we're going to play games which will be fun.

"Hey Adam!" I heard my name in a distance, it's Fiona. "Oh hey Fiona" I replied. "Are you coming? To my performance?" She said smiling, "Yes of course!"

"Okay! It'd all set! Oh wait, is Naveah coming?"

"Um, no but I'm bringing Axel is that fi--"


Fiona jumped with glee, "Haha, yeah." I smirked.

"Hey, Adam. Quick question."

"Hit me."

"Does Axel... Like anyone?"

"Hm, nope; not yet. Why? You interested?" i smirked once again.

Fiona's eyes shot open wider, "no reason hehe. Bye I got to get to class!" I chuckled. "Okay bye!"

2:45 A.M: in the basement.Where stories live. Discover now