
Awwww poor Nikki getting shipped
With a hot guy. I honestly feel bad for
That guy like imagine getting shipped
With you. Little Nicole D'Amelio. Your
Not worth it just so you know that
You ugly fat piece of shit there's no one
To stand up for you now you best friend
Is dead. done. over never coming back
And it's all your fault you know that right
Couldn't even come to her funeral ahah
What a bad friend you are. You deserve
Pain you know that right your like
Actually pathetic go kill your self no one
Would care if you died to be honest
You like have no friends. So do all your
Fans a favour and simply die

Oh ok



I can't do it anymore. Sara she's the worst she's my other close friends twin sister but he's way nicer. The guy named Ryan the video I showed charli and Dixie that's Sara's brother Ryan my close friend

I hate Sara I can anymore

I know everything she said was true I really should kill myself like no one would care if I did or not

I grab a knife out of the drawer with tears streaming down my face. I make 2 cuts on one wrist and there's blood dripping down and on the knife. I'm disgusted with myself charli and Dixie told me to stop but I just cant I know it's pathetic it really is. I get paper towels and wrap my wrist in it to hide the blood and soak it up. I wash the knife and put it away so there's no evidence

Shit I need to cover this up. I run into my room still crying but forgetting that I'm crying but like yeah. I run to my room and burst through the door charli and Dixie both jump because it scared them. I throw my phone on my bed not wanting to read the message anymore and I wipe my tears as I gently hold my wrist with paper towel but there's to much blood and it's almost dripping. Charli and Dixie both look at me confused

"Either get the fuck outta my room or end your live" I say before walking into the bathroom. I rinse my cut clean and throw on a hoodie and wrap my wrist with medical stuff I don't know. I lay on the bathroom mat and just cry

Dixies POV

"Either get the fuck outta my room or end your live" Nikki says before slamming the door and walking into her bathroom and I hear her crying but it's just faint

Me and charli sit there in silence looking at each other. Griff and the boys don't dare to say a word they look confused

"Charli end the live" I tell her and she sighs

"Why do I have to end the live" she whines

"Then go leave go to your room and stay live" I say annoyed by charli right now

"Ok fine" she says rolling her eyes "ok guys I got to go now but I'm going to be live either tomorrow or tonight bye guys" charli says waving

"Well what the fuck happened" griff says and we look at my phone to see griffs face stood up on the dresser but the nikkis phoen starts to ring. Charli goes over and grabs the phone and stares at it

"Who the fucks name is "big booty Latina"" charli laughs looking at the caller id

"Pass" I say and she hands me the phone and I answer it

"Who are you and why is your contact name big booty Latina" I say into the phone

"Dixie? Where's Nikki I wanted to apologize for what my sisters doing" a familiar voice says which sounds like her friend back home. Ryan

"Ryan? Why what did she do and why is your contact name big booty Latina" I ask

"Ally made my contact big booty Latina I guess Nikki kept it" he says and I sigh

"Ally" I sigh "what did she say" I ask

Ryan reads off everything that she said and I'm shocked and pissed off. Why would she say that about her

"Ryan tell your sister to fuck off and stop talking to Nikki ok" I say angry

"I know I'm trying ok block her number from her phone ok I don't want Nikki to be sad. I miss her and Ally too. Don't get me wrong Dixie but don't you think nikkis changed since everything happened" Ryan asks

"You noticed too. Me and charli were talking about it a few days ago. It's weird don't you think. I mean it's normal after what happened with Ally and Cameron I just feel bad for her" I sigh

"I know Cameron's dating my sister now by the way. I mean I don't think Nikki would want to her that but just so you know. Well I got to go can you like tell Nikki big booty Latina says hi" he laughs

"Yeah for sure well bye" I say and hang up the phone

"Who was it" griff asks

"Big booth Latina of course" I laugh

"No like actually was it Ryan" charli asks

"Well yeha it was Ryan he just apologized it's whatever" I shrug

"Well griff can I go to sway please" I ask

"Yeah sure what time will you be here" griff asks

"30 mins see you then griffy love you" I say blowing a kiss

"Bye dix love you too. Oh and Bye charli" griff says and I hang up

"But dix what about Nikki" charli asks

"Just leave her she needs to be alone check up on her every so often she's sleeping anyways also check up on her because I think she cut again but I'll be back tomorrow or later don't worry char" I say getting up and leaving


Big shat in toilet

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