He placed the cans on the ground as he got there. People were walking through it, a few almost touching him, and he placed the cans on the ground, trying to minimize the ping sound they made.

Just as he did that, the place went on lockdown. He was nervous for a moment, before he realized that the doors were all auto-locking, and now nobody could get out. He opened the stream, holding his breath as he strolled out of the room.

People noticed the canisters in the middle of the room, but they died before they were able to reach them. Someone with a gas mask appeared and stepped over the bodies to try and close the canisters, but a stinger went into his back before he could.

Zaltana looked over the bodies. She could breath in the gas and only feel a little dizzy, which made her a lot better off than the humans.

The sulfur mustard ended up being useless, but she really didn't care. Germany, after having done that, was flooding the vents to make sure that nothing got out, and she was looking to see if she could find any prisoners.

Utah stumbled out in front of her, looking at her with wide eyes before he bolted away. She paused for a second before running after him.

"Utah!" she yelled, and he spun around- he looked scared, she noticed, and she threw her tail forward as soon as she was close enough. It went into his calf, and he fell to his knees, terrified.

"Boy, what are you doing?" she said, taking a few steps forward. He seemed to be getting sleepy, instead of calming down, "What's wrong with you?"

She went to pick him up, and he tried to wiggle out of her grasp, getting another shot of venom.

"Utah, what's wrong," she cooed, brushing the hair from his face. He continued to struggle, and she made a hard decision- giving him even more venom. He fell asleep in her arms, his chest still rising and falling like he'd run a marathon.

She sighed, brushing his long hair through her fingers, before she paused, a murder face making itself known.

Why the hell were there hickeys on her thirteen-year-old nephews neck? She took a deep breath, her ears pressing against her head as she growled, the deep noise stemming from the back of her throat.

She held him in one arm, breaking the handles off doors and looking inside. She couldn't find anything.

"Zaltana," Germany's voice came into her earpiece, and she looked up even though he wasn't near her, "come to the third hallway, we found something."

She figured out where that was soon enough.

Russia took his son from her gently, hugging him for a second. Everyone seemed to notice that this was obviously another state.

Germany pointed into the room, where a big, black dragon was. It was chained down heavily, with a large platinum muzzle on its mouth.

Zaltana walked into the room slowly, and the dragon lifted it's head. She realized, after a few seconds, that the poor creature's eyes were glazed over- that she was blind. Or at least she was pretty sure it was a she- girls were normally bigger than the boys.

The dragon growled.

"Hey, hey," she said, "Ho."

The dragon knew the command for stop, and did as it was told, bowing a head. Zaltana grabbed a ring of keys from a desk before the dragon, walking over and trying to find the one for the muzzle. It took three tries, before it came off with a pop.

Zaltana rubbed a hand over the scarred scales. Dragons were smart, and even though this one was scared and hurt she understood she was here to help her. She took off all the others, leaving no chains touching the beast. The dragon stood on shaking legs, having probably not walked in a long time, and she was obviously emaciated.

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