~11~ What Happened In Brooklyn

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A couple days after New Years I'm doing some homework that my teachers assigned me for break. We only have a couple of days before we go back to school and I'm very excited to go back.

How stereotypical, the nerd wants to go back to school. I genuinely enjoy school and plus I want to see my friends (and Jack) again.

I haven't seen Jack since New Years. Every time I try to ask him what he's doing, he makes up a lame excuse or says he has some made up sickness. It's leaving me confused. Maybe he doesn't like me anymore. I sigh. I can't afford to think like that.

I'm going to continue with my homework when I hear a knock at the front door. I'm the only one at home so I go to answer it. I try to think about who it could be. Nobody comes to mind. Maybe Les ordered a package.

When I open the door, I'm quite surprised at the person in front of me. Why did Spot Conlon of all people come to see me. I notice that he has a big shiner on the left side of his face, it's a yellowish purple, I would say it's about three days old.

"Uh. Hey Spot." I say awkwardly.

"Heya Davey. Can we talk?" He replies. I nod and gesture for him to come inside. What the heck could he possibly want to talk about.

We walk into the living room and he sits on the couch.

"Do you want something to drink? Water maybe?" I ask him still standing. He shakes his head. I sit down on a chair across from him.

"So you knows about me and Racer yeah?" He asks, folding his hands in front of him.

"Yeah I do." He nods at my reply, not surprised.

"Well I'm guessing you knows why we ain't together anymore?" When I nod again he continues. "Well I love Racer. And what I said was true, I really couldn't keep hurting him."

"I'm not angry Spot." I say because he's getting a little defensive.

He sighs. "I really did have to figure it out on my own. And I did."

I wait for him to continue. "I'm listening."

"Well. It's kind of a long story." He rubs his neck.

"Well, you're lucky I don't have anything else to do right now."

"Okay. Here's what happened."


(TW: Homophobia, Transphobia, f-slur, deadnaming)

Three days ago, Brooklyn, NY.


I wait by the Brooklyn bridge for the rest of the boys to come. I knew I would need some backup if I ever wanted to face the Brooklyn boys. I watch the sun go down behind the lake.

Ever since my breakup with Race, I've been a mess. I longed to just go apologize and be with him again. But I couldn't. I was sick and tired of hurting him over and over again, just because of my fears.

You know what they say, you gotta "face your fears" so that's exactly what I'm doing. I decided that if I ever wanted to be with Race again, I would need to beat the shit outta those homophobic assholes in Brooklyn. Duh.

I couldn't do it alone, no matter how much I wanted to. I had to suck up my pride and get some of the other Newsies to help out. I may be prideful, but I ain't stupid.

I hear the other four coming down the block. I figured that five of us would be enough. And even if it wasn't, the Delancey's would never cheat in a fight. Sure, they would double team one defenseless nerd coming out of a bathroom (sorry Davey) but they would never back down from a fair group fight.

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