~4~ Cleaning Up

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"God what are you thinking?" I say exasperated. Jack is sitting on the counter in my bathroom while I clean up his wounds. "Do you know how worried I was?"

"Relax Davey it's not a big deal." He says calmly. "I didn't even get hurt that badly.

"You're still hurt you know." I put a bandage on his forehead.

He grabs my wrists and looks me in the eye. "Hey, Davey, I'm fine, okay?"

I look at him and nod, trying to hide my blush. "Let's just get to bed, I'm tired."

"I'm actually starving right now." He hops off the counter. "Got anything to eat?"

I start walking out of the bathroom and gesture for him to follow. We eat some leftover pizza and drink some water. I almost fall asleep a couple of times into my pizza. Every time Jack giggles which is super cute.

We head upstairs into my room. "I'm guessing you need something to wear to bed?" I ask.

"Just some sweatpants, yeah."

I give him a pair of lose grey sweatpants and then grab a black pair, and a t-shirt for myself. I leave him in my room to change and head to the bathroom. When I'm done changing I brush my teeth and wash my face.

When I come back into my room I see a shirtless Jack Kelly standing in the middle of it texting on his phone. My face burns red. Jesus Christ of course he has abs. He looks up at me and smiles.

"So should I sleep on the floor or....?" He questions.

"There's enough room in my bed for both of us." I am not going to miss my chance to sleep in the same bed as this beautiful boy. "Just let me know if you get uncomfortable."

He nods and climbs into my bed. I follow suit.

"Goodnight Davey."

"Night Jack."



Well. That happened. I turn the radio down in the car. I look at Spot whose sitting in the Drivers seat. He's has a black eye and a few scapes around his body. I'm sporting a couple of bruises myself but they aren't as bad.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask.

"Not now. Can we just wait until we get home?"

I nod. The rest of the ride to Spot's house is silent. I know how much he hates seeing the Brooklyn boys. Seeing them unlocks memories from his past that he would rather forget.

We pull into his driveway. He grabs my hand as we walk up the front steps and into the house. Mr. Denton is sitting in the living room when we walk through the door. He turns and sees the bruises and cuts all over us.

"Oh my god, what happened boys?" He walks over to us and inspects the wounds.

Spot waves him away. "There was a fight. We're fine, we just need to rest."

Denton nods. "There's a first aid kit in the bathroom." He pats our shoulders and walks away to his room.

Me and Spot go up the stairs to his room. When I close the door he's already got his arms around me. We stand in the middle of his room, just hugging and enjoying each other's touch.

Spot didn't get much physical affection as a kid, so he looks for it in the people closest to him. I don't mind, I enjoy it too.

"You understand why I'm scared now Race?" He says into my shoulders.

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