~9~ Christmas

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Every year Jack and Crutchie host a Christmas party at their house. They have games, gifts, and lots of food. They invited Sarah, Les, Sally, and I to come and of course we said yes.

Mom insisted that the four of us bring some of her homemade cookies and baked goods. Jack was absolutely ecstatic when he saw the tray of sweets in my hand. He takes them from me as we walk in and sets them down on a table.

After greeting Jack, Sarah goes off to find Katherine and Les and Sally go over and talk to Crutchie. The other Newsies are all over the room, talking, eating, and playing games. Home Alone is playing in the background and a couple of the Newsies are watching it.

"You know you didn't have to bring anything Davey." Jack says to me.

"Yeah, but my mom insisted." I gesture to the sweets. "You really think I could make those?" My mom is an amazing baker, the sweets are crafted to perfection.

"I think you could do anything you put your mind to." Jack grins at me.

I blush and look away, continuing my people watching. I spot Race looking glumly at the wall. Occasionally he will turn his head to look at something and then look away.

I look towards them direction he keeps glancing to, so I can see what's so interesting. On the other side of the room sits a couple of Newsies. At first I'm confused but then I notice who's sitting among them.


Spot doesn't look any happier than Race. He is also occasionally glancing at Race and then returning to have conversation with the Newsies around him. The break up has been hard on both of them. From what I understand from Race, Spot broke up with him so he would stop hurting him.

It's a bit silly if you ask me. They're both more upset than normal. I hope it will all get resolved.

I turn to Jack. "Do you think Race will be okay?" I tilt my head towards the boy, who is still sitting sadly.

"Well you two still won't tell me what's going on." Jack sighs. He's been trying to figure out what's been going on for weeks, but Race asked me to not say anything. He doesn't want to out Spot. "But our boy Racer over there is strong." Jack continues. "He can get through anything.

I nod. He's right. Race is a strong kid, he'll get through it.

Jack grabs my hand. "Come on." He starts pulling me towards the stairs. "I have something for you." I follow him up to his room. Sitting on his desk is a big present. He picks it up and holds it out for me.

"You didn't have to get me anything." I say to him.

"Well I wanted to." I take the gift from him. "Plus I know you got me something too." I shrug, he's not wrong.

I open the box. Inside there is a collectors edition of my favorite book (The Great Gatsby), a green sweater, and a box of chocolates. I've never seen my essence so perfectly captured before.

I but the box down and engulf Jack into a hug. "Thank you." I whisper into his shoulder.


We release from the hug and I pull my gifts for him out of my jacket pocket. I hand him the first box. He smiles wildly as he opens it. Inside there is a metal bracelet that has the engraving "You are Art" on it. I saw it in the store and though he would like it.

He's grinning widely at me as he struggles to put on the bracelet. I giggle at him and move to help him. After we get it on I hand him his other gift. It's just a gift card to Michael's because I didn't know which art supplies he needed.

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