Chapter 2

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~A few days later~

"Come on, you can't be locked up in here forever!"

"Watch me!"

"Come on, Lisa, I have the perfect idea. Instead of hiding inside all day, OWN it! You know the paparazzi are gonna show up no matter what... So why don't we stunt for them! Let's do all your favorite things! Shopping, and then showing off at the beach! Just imagine!"

"That does sound nice..."

"The internet is dying to find out more about you, and this would be the best way to show them the best you! Take advantage of the spotlight and rack up some likes and followers! Get the fans on your side!"

"You're right! I can't just sit here and mope all day! Let's do it! Let's turn this attention into an opportunity!"


"Find anything cute?"

"I missed shopping!"

"This store is so adorable. Find something cute, Lisa. How expensive is that?"

"Oof. Expensive."

"Well, we deserve a little fun huh? What if the paparazzi attack, and you're wearing sweats?"

"Babe, I stunt even in sweats."

"That's true, you can pull off anything."

"We should go to the beach next."

"Ugh, been dying to go. Maybe there'll be some cute boys playing sports."

"Seems like you need love in your life more than me."

"What you trying to say?"

"I'm kidding baby girl. Let's try on these bathing suits."

"You first! Lisa?"

"We look so cute!"

"Okay, let's hit the beach!"

"They're heading to the beach!"

"The weather is perfect out today. I wish it was always like this." - I said.

"Can't complain. LA is always at like 73 degrees and sunny."

"I wonder if anybody's recognized me yet... I guess you were right. Maybe that kiss wasn't such a big deal after all!"

"Told you, this whole thing will blow over soon enough."

"I kinda want to jump in the water."

"That's up to you, it's too cold for me."

"Oh my god! I just gained like ten thousand followers in the last hour... And there's a photo of me in my bikini!"

"Sounds like a win to me!"

"What is going on right now? I just gained another six thousand followers."

"Damn girl, spread the wealth and "add" me!"

"Oh my god. Messages are pouring in! I can't respond to all of them!"

"Relax babe. The world is discovering the real you now! What are they saying?"

"Some of them are really cute. People are commenting on my pictures. Some are really nice messages... Hmm..."

"What's up, girlie?"

"Some are really mean. They don't even know me! How can they say that?"

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