Two- College Bound

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After a shocking response from my father, he told me the conditions to me going to college. I don't know how I didn't expect there to be something else, but at least I got to go to college. He told me that if I wanted to go to college, I had to have someone of his choice with me at all times, a body guard of sorts. Unfortunately, he chose the last person I ever wanted to be my body guard.

Standing at the car as I carry my bags out was the one man I absolutely hated since I was a young girl; Aleksander. He turned and looked at me with a cocky smirk, knowing I hated him and would loathe going with him.

"You have got to be kidding me, Dad," I say, turning around and looking at my father.

"He knows everything the gang knows. He's a great warrior," my dad replies.

"That's fine and dandy but I hate him. I am not going to ruin my college experience by going with him," I state, crossing my arms firmly.

"Well you either take Alek or you don't go at all," Dad says.

"Oh come on, Ezzy. I'm not that bad," Alek says. I sigh heavily and roll my eyes, throwing my backpack a bit higher on my shoulder and walking to the black SUV Alek was standing by.

Alek has been a pain in my ass since I was born. He's my father's gang member Wesley's son. My mom and Wesley became decently close before my sister was born and since then he brought Alek around as a playmate for my sister and I. Unfortunately, my parents never realized I was more of a toy than a playmate. Alek teased me and bullied me relentlessly through our entire lives. Eventually he got old enough to go train for the gang and his father began taking him along with him wherever he went. Since then, I had only seen him once in a while, mostly on holidays.

He looked a lot like his father too. He had hair that was so dark it looked black but in the light you could see its brown color and he had green eyes that had a brown center and a dark green ring. Unfortunately he didn't inherit his father's personality.

"Actually you're probably worse than even your small brain can comprehend," I retort with a snarky tone.

"Ezlyn, be nice. He's going to watch over you while you're away," my mother says as she walks out behind us.

"Why couldn't it have been anyone else?" I whine.

"Because everyone else is too old or busy with missions," my dad answers. I roll my eyes and sigh deeply.

"Whatever. Just stay out of my way and don't talk to me," I say, shooting a glare towards Alek.

"I'll try, Princess," he says with a wink. I roll my eyes again before I turn to my mother and father, preparing myself to say goodbye for a while.

"You stay safe and try to have fun. And please, please try to make some friends," my mom says with a warm smile. I can't help but feel a pit in my stomach and anxiety pull in my chest as I realize I'm leaving my parents for the first time ever. I've always had a close relationship with my parents, my mom mostly. My father has kept me locked away, but she always made it make sense and was able to keep me from going mad. She has been my best friend through my entire life, and the anxiety filled thought of not being with her every day was making me second think my decision to leave. Though the thoughts of staying flickered through my mind, I knew leaving and growing my own wings was going to be something I had to do.

"I promise I'll try my hardest, Mom," I reply with a smile in return. I turn to my dad who has a somber look on his face. I can tell he is taking this the hardest. I am his baby girl, after all.

"I'll miss you, Ezzy," Dad says. I purse my lips, holding my emotions back and I nod.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Daddy," I say. "I love you both," I tell them, looking between my parents.

"We love you too. Drive safe," Mom says. I smile lightly and nod once more before I turn towards the car, turning my back towards the only life I've ever known.

I get into the car and look over to the driver and dread fills my mind. Alek and his cheeky smirk cause me to roll my eyes and look away from him.

"Let's just go and get this ride over with so I can avoid you as much as possible," I say.

"As you wish," Alek says and he begins the long drive to the college of my dreams.

The drive was about six hours away from home. My father only agreed to it because it was far enough away any enemy would have a tough time finding me, but close enough he could get to me if need be. It was mostly highway, but once in a while we would pass some forest areas.  We made a few rest stops but they were filled with off hand comments about not taking too much time and that we had a schedule. Eventually, the big beautiful school was in sight, people milling about and cars full of bedroom and college supplies driving by.

"Welcome to college," Alek says with a huff of breath.

"Let's just make an agreement right now," I begin as we pull into a parking spot and Alek puts the car in park. He turns to me and raises his eye brows. "We stay as far away from each other as possible and just act like random people in the same college. No contact unless absolutely necessary," I say, a serious look on my face.

Alek's lips curl up slightly and I know something that will piss me off is about to fall through them.

"Now what would the fun in that be, Ezzy? I have been gone for years. I missed our time together, and I have years and years to make up for it," he says with a sly, cunning smile. My mouth drops as Aleksander gets out of the car and closes the door in my face. I roll my eyes and step into a whole new world, and into the hands of the biggest pain in my ass I've ever met.

I grab my bags from the car and turn towards the large, brick building with a giant welcome banner crossing the main doors. Alek is already walking into the doors by the time I begin walking up the sidewalk. I make my way into the main hall where I briefly pause to pull my map of the campus out of my pocket. I begin to unfold my map when suddenly I am tossed onto the floor and a body is standing in front of me.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry," the voice of the guy who ran me over says.

"Jesus don't people actually look where their going in the real world," I mumble. A hand comes down towards me and I get my first sight of the face that knocked me over. He had tanned skin and the darkest brown hair that curled slightly on his head. He looked to be around six feet tall or so, but a warm smile is plastered on his face. I couldn't deny his was attractive. I shake my head and roll my eyes as I take the mysterious hand of the guy in front of me.

"Again, I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. I was looking at my phone at my-," the guy goes on until I stop him.

"I get it. Normal humans can't multitask without smashing into innocent victims," I say. I grabbed my things and go back to looking at my map as I was before.

"I'm Toby," he says as he comes up beside me. I roll my eyes at his obnoxious kindness, and just as a snarky comment is about to slip through my mouth I remember what my mother said to me before I left home. I take a breath and turn towards Toby and fake a smile.

"Ezlyn," I tell him my name.

"Welcome to college," he says. "I hope we can catch up sometime," Toby smiles and walks a different direction than I was going. I sigh a small sigh of relief as I look down at my map once more. I locate my dorm room and look up only to be startled by someone standing in my face.

"Good news! Our dorm buildings are next to each other so I can keep an eye on my new best friend!" Alek says with a huge grin.

"Fucking great," I say with a glare.

"Don't get to happy, Ezzy, control those emotions. See you later, Princess," Alek says and he walks away. I flip him off as his back is moving away from me and I shake my head thinking that it is going to be one hell of a semester, or whole college career.

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