Eight- Keep In Line

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"Hello?" I answer the phone trying to hide the nervousness in my voice. 

"Hey sweetie, how are you doing?" he says, sounding cheerful. 

"I'm good, just having some lunch. How is it back home?" I continue the conversation. 

"Fine, everything is as it has been. A bit quieter without you here though," my father says with a chuckle. "So, I won't keep you on the phone long but we need to get down to something serious," he states, his tone changing to his deeper, intimidating one. 

"What's wrong?" I ask, acting oblivious. 

"You've only been at college for a short period of time with Aleksander and he's already complaining to his father about the work. I will not tolerate you acting like a hellion at school and treating Aleksander nor anyone else poorly, young lady. Do you understand me?" 

"Yes, Daddy," I say, trying to pull off my baby voice. 

"I'm fucking serious, Ezlyn. If you embarrass yourself it embarrasses me. I will not  have your childish antics tarnishing my name in any way. Shape up, or you will be brought home. Am I clear?" 

"Crystal," I respond. 

"Keep it that way. I love you. Stay safe, do your schoolwork and behave."

"Yes, Dad," I respond. "Love you too," I say before hanging up on him. 

"Your Dad sounds scary as fuck, girl," Zae says from the other side of the kitchen, still munching on cereal. 

"You have no idea," I reply. I grab my plate and leave, going back to my bedroom. 

Hours pass and I remain on my bed, my eyes scrolling across the words on my book's pages. I knew  I'd have to face Alek sometime, but today I hadn't planned on it. I felt completely better from the previous night's adventure, but I didn't want to leave my room. My father's words were burning into my mind. If there were one person in the entire world I would not dare to cross, it was my father. I was a daddy's girl, and the man had a soft spot for my sister, mother and I, but his words were powerful and I knew he meant every syllable. 

Eventually, my books pages came to and end and I found myself bored. I found myself exploring the endless vast archive of YouTube videos. I was born to a twisted family in a twisted world. My father was a twisted man in many ways. Some even thought he was a psychopath, but he was just twisted and smart really. 

I tended to find more macabre things fascinating, twisted things interesting, and it all piqued a twisted interest of mine. I watched YouTube videos of serial killers, other gang leaders, even some on my maternal grandfather, Kohn Stone. It was only a matter of time before I knew the stories of the other side of the internet; the dark web. It was twisted, fascinating, dark and cruel. It was exciting to thing of, and terrifying at the same time. 

It was then did I get the idea that I wanted to explore this evil part of the internet. I sat back and began to think about it, what I would explore. I had endless money supply. It wouldn't be hard to buy something like weed, which would be a fun experiment. The only thing I wasn't sure of was how to access the corner of the web without help. 

"Zae!" I call from my room. A moment later, the bubbly cotton candy colored person pops into my room. 


"Do you know anyone who would be able to get me access to the dark web?" 

"Yep," they say with a shrug. A moment later I gave her a look of confusion as I waited for her to tell me who. 

"Well... who is it?" I ask. 

"Oh. Me."


"Me," they say with a shrug. 

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