Six- Freaky Punch

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As soon as the car began to slow down, I looked up from my phone to observe my surroundings. The first thing I notice is a swarm of frat boys and cheerleaders. I had never experienced the normal stereotypes from school and I was sure this would be the first time I saw the stories in books unfold into cliché stories. 

"Who's ready for their first taste of college party life?" Zae asks with excitement filling their voice as Alek parks the car along the side of the road. 

"Let's do this!" I say and I hop out of the car. I look up to see the house we parked by and it was a big white house. It looked basic, but I could tell it had many rooms to house the frat boys. There were people with red solo cups scattering the lawn but I could tell there was a big crowd elsewhere, inside or outback I assumed. 

Zae grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the house and Rowan and Alek followed behind. I knew Zae had a goal tonight and that was to have as much fun as they could and get as drunk as their stomach could handle. I on the other hand was hoping to at least remember the next day, but still maximize my fun. 

"Ezlyn," Alek said as he grabbed my arm. I turn to look as does Zae. 

"I'm going to go get us drinks! Come on, Rowan!" Zae yelled over the music that was almost too loud. The two of them walk away, leaving Alek and I alone in the room filled with strangers. 

"What's up?" I asked, trying not to sound irritated because I knew if I did there was a chance my night would be ruined somehow by Alek. 

"I'm going to be watching you, but I wont stay by you the whole time. Please be careful," he says, and I can see his sincere facial expression. 

"Okay, I will. What time do you want to be out of here?" I ask, in an attempt to be respectful as he was going to be our DD. 

"I don't really care as long as we don't spend the night," he says with a chuckle and a smile. 

I turn to look around and I see Zae coming over with two red solo cups in hand and a huge grin on their face. They come over to us and hand me a drink. I can smell there was some sort of alcohol mixed into whatever red drink filled my cup. 

"What's in it?" I ask. 

"The guy told me it was fruit punch and pineapple and coconut flavored vodka," they say with a shrug. I give an approving nod and take the first sip of my drink. 

"Let's dance!" Zae yells, and I can tell they have already begun feeling the affects of the concoction. I laugh at them and follow them to the group of people dancing with solo cups in their hands. Some people had their eyes closed and were just feeling the music, others were grinding and making out with others. I took a few more sips of my drink and started to dance along with Zae. 

I let the music take over my nerves and the bass control my heartbeat. It wasn't long before I felt completely lost in the sound and bodies around me. I wasn't sure what exactly was put into the drink, but I didn't think being drunk would happen so fast and certainly not feel this amazing. I began to feel some sort of waves of comfort and warmth begin to wash over me. 

I lost track of Zae after they got me another drink and I downed it. I was feeling free, like nothing mattered except that moment. How could alcohol feel so amazing? I didn't even care when a few random bodies began to move closer to me and surround me with their warmth.  All I could even pay attention to was the high I was feeling, and I never wanted to come down. 

The music was some sort of electronic dance music and the lights had dimmed and only a few laser and colored lights lit up the room. It felt like a movie, like those scenes at a rave or club where everyone is dancing and enjoying themselves. I didn't think my mind was hazy at all because I knew I was having fun. 

I looked up at the body in front of me to see a guy with blonde messy hair, but I couldn't make out any other features, and I didn't care. I was just enjoying being in the second, the moment. I didn't even care who was behind me moving their body against me and running their hands along my body. Once in a while I think I caught a glimpse of Zae but I couldn't be sure and I couldn't bring myself to move towards them. 

I'm not sure how long it was that I just kept moving my body to the music before I felt a body being pushed away from the front of me and another replaced it. I looked up and this time I knew who I was seeing; Alek. 

"We have to go, Ezzy," he said gently, but I could see an emotion in his face that seemed like concern or worry. 

"What about Zae and Rowan?" I ask, or rather mumbled. 

"They're waiting by the car," he says. I didn't argue because the high and waves were taking all of my concerns away and I just wanted to keep feeling good. 

"Okay," I say and I pulled myself away from whoever was behind me, if there even was someone at all. I couldn't even tell anymore. Alek took my hand and lead me out of the white house and through the crowd on the lawn. 

"Ezzy, I'm so sorry," Zae said with an upset look on their face. 

"Why? I'm feeling amazing," I say, confused as to why they would apologize. 

"They spiked the punch, Ez," they say and I couldn't control the laughter than began to roll out of me. 

"Of course they did, they put that drink thing in there," I said, trying to figure out how to explain what alcohol was without knowing the word. 

"No, they really spiked it, Ezlyn, with drugs," Alek says, his face looking concerned. 

"You're all too drunk, I better drive us home," I say with a laugh and I start to walk towards the driver seat, smiling as another wave of pleasure flowed through my body. Suddenly, I felt Alek grab me and guide me back to the other side of the car. His hand on my arm sent waves of heavenly warmth through me, it was almost like an orgasm only it was through my whole body and I almost let out a moan. 

"How many drinks did you have?" Alek asks Zae. 

"I think one or two, but I know Ezlyn had at least four," they say and I look at them confused, not remembering more than the second one they gave me. 

"Let's get you guys home," Alek says and Rowan who had been quiet nods along with Zae. 

I would be lying if I said I remembered any of the way back to the dorm or even the walk to our rooms. It was like a blur, but I do remember Alek taking me into my room and putting me into bed after taking my shoes off. 

"Alek," I say quietly. 

"Hm?" he hums in response. 

"Will you stay with me tonight? I like how you feel next to me," I say, and that was the last thing I remember of that night. 

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