Nine- Master Plans

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Aleksander's warnings along with my father's played through my head for the rest of the night. I wasn't one to follow the rules the majority of the time, but as I said before, the men I deal with aren't to be disobeyed. I knew Alek most likely wouldn't be the one to punish me or anything, but my father would. He'd take everything I loved away if I stepped out of line and I knew that from experience. 

The best route for me would be to simply avoid Alek and stay within my lines when he was around. I'd have to hide any activities that he'd tip my father off about or scold me himself about as well. 

I knew Alek was simply obeying orders and doing his job, but the way he cornered me and confronted me rubbed me the wrong way. It felt like there was more to it than just Alek doing as he was told. There was emotion behind his outburst. He was angry and hurt still, which was unusual for the boy I always knew to brush any sort of insult off, even one as hurtful as the one I tossed him. Seeing him emotional in any sort of way was strange. 

Regardless, I was going to continue to spend my time at college doing as I wished, even if that meant putting a front up for Alek and keeping secrets. If there was one thing that was a direct cause of my parents being overprotective, it was my ability to be sneaky. If I wanted to have some fun, Alek didn't have to know. 

The front was easier to keep up than I'd suspected. A week passed and I kept my head low, did my work, and returned to my room every day. Two weeks flew by and I made sure Alek didn't suspect anything. 

Meanwhile, I planned to attend one of the largest parties of the year; homecoming. Our college had sports and all, but I paid little to no attention to them. I was with Zae and they always wanted to party and have fun, something I was completely down for. 

I figured Alek would be keeping his eye out for me wanting to go to this massive party, but I already planned it all out. I told Zae that I didn't want him knowing I was going because I was afraid he'd rat me out, and of course they were completely on board to help out. 

I planned on telling Alek I was staying in if he asked about my attendance, saying something along the lines of having homework or a test the following week I needed to study for. Zae said they'd back me up and say they also weren't going to the party and staying in to study with me. The plan wasn't completely foolproof, but it would hopefully keep Alek away from my dorm room for at least the night. 

It was a Friday night, a typical night for parties to occur. I already had a perfect outfit and look planned out. Not wanting to tip Alek off that I was planning on going out, the only thing I did ahead of time to get ready was straighten my hair until it was silky smooth. Zae also kept the getting ready to a minimum, not even doing their makeup ahead of time. 

Alek was a bit predictable, and as Zae and I sat under a tree during a free hour having lunch, he approached us. 

"Ezlyn," he said as he stood in front of Zae and I, towering over our sitting bodies. 

"What Alek?" I say, giving him my usual attitude. 

"I heard about a huge homecoming party. Are you two going?" he asked. 

"No, we have a test on Tuesday and we really need to study. We planned on staying in and having a movie night," I say, keeping my words steady in hopes he believed me. He took a second to search for any deception before he spoke. 

"Alright. I won't be going either so if you need me for any reason, just shoot me a text," he said before he walked away without a second glance. 

I turn my head to see Zae smiling back at me deviously. 

"Plan homecoming is going smoothly," they say with a smirk. 

"Let's just hope he doesn't decide to check up on me for whatever reason after we leave," I comment. 

"What's up with him and that anyway?" 

"I told you, he knows my family and my dad asked him to keep an eye on me because I have a tendency to become troublesome," I say with a laugh. 

"Fair enough. Your dad did sound scary as hell on the phone a few weeks ago," Zae says shaking her head as she recounted my phone conversation with my dad about Alek. 

"Like I said then, you have no idea," I say, thinking to myself if she only knew who he really was. 

"We need to get back to the dorm soon. We must prepare for the night of our lives!" Zae says with excitement sparkling in their eyes. 

"What are you wearing tonight?" I ask as I feel excitement building inside me as well. 

"Fishnets, shorts, a crop top, the usual," they reply. 

"I think I'm going to wear my black jean shorts and my red silk cowl neck tank top," I say. 

"I was going to suggest that! Man we have good taste in outfits!" Zae laughs out. 

I stand from my sitting position under the tree and stretch my limbs before brushing my butt off. I reach down and Zae takes my hand and I help them stand. 

"Ready?" I ask and I receive a quick nod. We grab our bags and make the walk back to our dorm to prepare our looks for the anticipated night. 

Homecoming parties, and specifically the one we were attending, were insane at this college. Since the announcement of the party, I've been hearing absolutely chaotic stories from previous years. The stories about the infamous homecoming parties ranged from people doing stunts off roofs to someone passing out hallucinogenic drugs and everyone having an insane trip together.  

Of course, there were also stories of cops showing up and shutting it down, but this year rumor was the cops were paid off and wouldn't be bothering us as long as nobody was hurt. I didn't know the legitimacy of this statement, but I wasn't about to complain about it. 

Zae and I made it back to our dorm and we hurried in to start getting dressed up for the night ahead. 

"Don't forget to bring a swimsuit," Zae called out from her room. I popped my head out of my bedroom door with furrowed eyebrows. 

"Why? They got a pool?" 

"Try a whole fucking ocean! The senior, Cole Weston, has a huge piece of property his parents own right on the beach! I've heard it's absolutely incredible," Zae says. 

"Holy shit! No way!" 

"Yeah. I heard they're planning on a beach bonfire and everything!" 

"Alright. I will make sure I bring a flannel or something in case it gets cold too," I say. 

I tuck myself back into my room and begin the process of putting my makeup on, getting ready for one of the craziest nights of my life. 

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