Ten- Beach Please

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Getting ready was always fun for me. I adored putting on my makeup and changing how I looked. I didn't ever dislike any part of me, but I loved seeing how much I could alter myself and make myself look even better. 

Today, my makeup was kept fairly simple with my normal face makeup, a winged liner and some mascara. To match the color of my bikini, I used a warm toned brown liquid lipstick which always made my lips look filled. I straightened my hair until it was completely silky smooth and sprayed it lightly to keep it in place.

Zae told me to dress kind of casual because of the beach and campfire, so I settled with a pair of ripped black jean shorts and a gray cropped tee shirt. I decided sandals were the best way to go when it came to the beach and I slipped them on before I left my room. 

Zae was sitting on the counter in the kitchen, a spot she frequently was found. On the couch, the surprise guest, Rowan, was sprawled out with a black fitted muscle shirt and black board shorts. 

"Zae, I don't know if you knew this, but that guy is in our dorm living room again," I say, with a chuckle. 

"Ezzy, baby, I know you love me and all you can think of is this body," Rowan answers with his signature smooth accent and I raise an eyebrow. 

"Zae, I don't know if you knew this, but I think he might be tripping on something because he thinks he's hot," I wink at them. Zae laughs and responds by throwing her arms up. 

"Hey, I just opened the door and he crawled in," they say and Rowan rolls his eyes. 

Zae is dressed similarly to me, black ripped shorts and a crop top, except their top was black with thin straps and was fitted to their small body. Their hair was slightly spiked as it had grown a bit since we arrived and they began styling it. 

Rowan stood from the couch and made his way over to me. 

"Serious note though, you look bloody gorgeous today," Rowan winked one of his dark blue eyes at me. I felt my cheeks blush at the handsome man's complement. 

Rowan had grown on me and his attractiveness did not help the situation. I couldn't say I would go out of my way to ask Rowan out or pursue a relationship with him, but he was definitely not off of my radar. 

"Thanks, Rowan," I reply with a simple response. I know Zae was watching the entire interaction with Rowan and I and I could tell they'd be making a comment about it later. 

Suddenly, Rowans pocket began vibrating and he pulls out his cell phone, answering it with a simple hello. I could tell whoever was on the phone was a male, I couldn't tell what they were saying. 

"Yeah I'm going to the party. Why? Are you? Alright. I'll see you there I guess. Bye," Rowan's conversation is simple and ends quickly. 

"Who was that?" Zae asks, hopping off of the counter. 

"My brother. He's going to be at the party tonight," Rowan says. 

"I didn't know you had a brother," I say to Rowan. 

"He's a couple years older than me. He goes to this college too," he answers. 

"He's alright. He can be a dick if you ask me," Zae says, shrugging their shoulders. "Alright. Let's go!" Zae yells as they march to the door, opening it before running out of the door. Rowan and I chuckle and follow them out of the dorm and make our way to Rowan's car. Piling in, laughter filling the air, I was finally on my way to my first beach party. 

"I'm so excited to see the ocean!" I say. 

"It's awesome. I went to a party there once with my brother and it was an amazing place," Rowan says. 

As expected, the ride wasn't too long and we were buzzing with excitement the entire ride there. We pulled up to the address given to us and the house was as expected; incredible. Immediately we could hear the party just around the back of the house on the beach. It was seconds upon putting the car into park that the three of us had already left the car and begun making our way to the party. 

While walking towards the crowd growing louder and louder as we got closer, I began to think about Alek. I knew he'd be pissed if he found me, and I had lied to him. All I could think of was what if Alek threw me under the bus and told my father. I didn't want to leave college, and I knew I was risking my chances just by being at the party without Alek. Alas, I wasn't about to chicken out. I was ready to have the night of my life. 

Zae was the leader of us and Rowan stayed by my side, another comment I could predict coming from Zae. As we approached the sandy beach, I could feel my excitement spiking. The sight was absolutely stunning. In front of us was a huge campfire being built and the beach was littered with college students enjoying the beach with games, drinks, and some were already in the oceanic water. 

"This is amazing!" I say. Rowan chuckles besides me. 

"I know right? Come on, let's see if we can find my brother," he says and before we knew it, Zae was gone and we were on the hunt for his brother. It didn't take long as he was easy to spot for Rowan.

As we walked up to the man, Rowan called out to him. "Hey bro!" Rowan yelled. As the man turned around, a familiar face came into view. I recognized him from my first day of school as the guy who knocked me down. I couldn't recall his name, but now that I looked at him and Rowan I could definitely see similarities I was surprised I had missed before. Both had gorgeous dark curly hair, a similar tan to their skins and a few similar facial features. They also stood about the same height, something I had missed before. 

"Hey, Ezlyn right?" the man says, eying me as we make our way in front of him. 

"Yeah. You're...?" 

"Toby," Rowan answers. "You know each other?" 

"He just subtly smashed into me my first day of school and sent me flying," I say. Rowan raises an eyebrow and looks at his brother curiously. 

"Alright then," Rowan says. 

"So you're brothers? But only one of you has an accent," I comment noting the difference between the brothers. 

"Toby was raised by our father here in the US while I was raised in Scottland with me mum," Rowan says. 

"Gotcha," I say with an awkward nod, not wanting to overstep on a subject they may be sensitive about. 

"So what are we going to get into first?" Rowan asks, thankfully not leaving an awkward silence. 

"Let's hit the beach and enjoy some drinks, loosen up," Toby says, shooting me a wink at the last remark. 

Now that I was looking at the brothers, it was obvious that they were related. They shared their hair color, skin tone, height, nose, lips, body shape, and their face shape. They could honestly pass as twins. If it weren't for their slight eye color difference and their hair being styled differently, they were extremely similar in their looks. Their eyes differed ever so slightly, Toby's eyes having more of a gray color rather than the dark ocean colored eyes of Rowan. The only other noticeable difference between the two was Rowan's dimpled chin. 

Regardless to their differences, both men were equally attractive. 

I followed the boys down to the beach, bodies moving all around us. Some people would wave and smile, others would simply let their eyes graze over us. 

Rowan and Toby stopped by a campfire where a head of pink and blue hair resided. 

"Hey Zae," I say. 

"Hey, are you ready for some drinks?" they say with a wiggle of their whole body. 

"Fuck yes we are!" Rowan says and we all cheer as we head for the table filled with drinks, coolers surrounding it. 

I was ready for the night of my life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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