Call Up

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This is my first chapter after my long break so I'm sorry if it's shit.

Phoenix's POV:
"Yes! Here Caitlin!" I shout as I run into the box. I watch as she crosses the ball in perfectly into my head.  I connect my head and slam the ball top left. "Fuck yes River!" I hear Caitlin yell. I high-five her and head back to the center half. Hi, I'm Phoenix River and I'm a footballer. It's all I've ever known. I'm not good academically but sports make me feel alive, it gives me a meaning just like my music. My dream is to be on the national team but that will never happen. We finish the game 5-0 and my team go off and celebrate. "You coming?" The winger asks. "Nah Cait you go in. I'll see you later yeah?" I ask and she nods. As she walks off she yells at me. "You need to go out more Nix!" I laugh at shake my head. I start walking back to the flat. Like normal alone. "Woah wait up! Kid!" I hear a familiar voice shout. I turn around to see Ashlyn Harris, Ali Kreiger, Christen Press and the one and only Tobin Heath. "Umm h-hi." I nervously stutter. "Thank you for catching her up girls, you walk quick jeez kid." Jill Ellis says to me. I laugh and look down. "So I'm assuming you know who we are." Jill says and I nod. "Good, would you want to join these women on the pitch one day?" I smile and nod. "You don't talk much do you kid." Ashlyn says and I muster up the courage to say something. "Depends on who I'm talking too." "Wow she does speak." Tobin jokes and I laugh. "So kid, would you like to join these girls on the pitch?" "Well yeah..." "Good, we have a national camp in a week ish. You coming?" Jill asks and I see the girls trying to get me to say yes. "Umm yeah? Yeah sure. I would love to." I say and they all cheer. "Alright then Phoenix I will see you at camp. Toby and Ash will pick you up next Tuesday. Sound good?" I nod my head and thank them. Wow guess dreams can come true. 

Caitlin's POV:
Hi I'm Caitlin Fleetwood and Phoenix's best friend. I party a lot and she doesn't. I mean we are basically the opposite on everything but football, but hey opposites attract right. We have grown up togther practically our whole lives. We share a flat together and all we do is train, game, she writes her music and I write my books, eat and sleep. I head back to the flat drunk yet again. "Nix! I'm home!" I shout as I burst through the door. "Oh Cait. What am I gonna do with you?" She asks mostly to herself. I don't mean to get drunk. Well that's a lie. I actually do, a lot. It just helps me live for a bit. Nix picks me up and lays me down in the bed. "Go to sleep Cait. We will talk in the morning. Love you mate." She says and kisses my cheek. "Love you too Nix." I manged to slur out before everything going black.

Nix's POV:
It's about 3 in the morning but I can't get any sleep like normal so I decide to do what I always do. I go to my window sill. I like sitting at my window. I can just look down at people and imagine what their life is like. It's kind of relaxing. I can feel the air on my face and I just At any point I could jump and it will all be over. The last moments would be peaceful, just the sound of the wind whistling against your ears and then nothing. Before I know it I see the sun. Another night of no sleep. I need to get my life together if I'm joing the national team. I get down and head to the kitchen. "Good morning Nix! Great day today huh?" Cait says as if nothing happened last night. It's been like this for a few months now. "Yeah. It is you want to talk about last night?" I ask and her smile faulters but she imediately replaces it with a new one. "Did you get called up too!?" She shouts. "Wait Cait, you got called up to!" I shout and she nods. We both scream and hug. "Aye! We are gonna fuck some shit up out there! She screams and we both laugh. At least I'm doing this with my ride or die...

775 Words 10th of December 2020. I hope you guys enjoy this book. I want to try and update fairly often so expect some updates soon ish :)

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