The Meal

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Welcome to 2021!! I hope you guys have an amazing new year. Let's get into the chapter.

Warnings: Deppressive thoughts 

Phoenix's POV:

"Let's go girls!" I hear Mal shout whilst she knocks on the door. I look over at Tierna. "You ready to go madam?" I ask her and she smiles. "Only if you come with me." I hold out my hand and she takes it. "Well then, let's go." We walk out of the room hand in hand. I look at Tierna. Wow she is beautiful. Her blue eyes and her cute freckles. Wait no, I can't think like this. "Awe! You two are so cute." I hear Ashlyn say. I split up from Tierna. "Shush." I say to her and she glares at me. I look at Tierna and I see her hurt eyes. "Tt" "Don't." She walks of and I sigh. "I'm sorry." Ash says and I put on a smile. "For what?"  "For messing that up." "What up, there is nothing too mess up." "Sure kid." "Get onto the bus please girls!" I hear Carli yell. I get onto the bus and sit by myself. 'Your ugly, fat, worthless. Why would you think she would ever love you? Your pathetic. Just kill your-'

Kelley O'Hara's POV:
I walk onto the bus and see the newbie sitting by herself. "Yo kid." I say but she doesn't respond. I look at Ashlyn and she shakes her head. I don't give up though. "Kiddo?" I ask again but still no response. "Kid!" I shout and she snaps her head up. "Huh, oh umm I'm sorry. Am I in the wrong seat?" "No I just wanted to see whether I could sit next to you." I say. "Oh yeah sure, I mean if you want to. You don't have to-" I interupt her by sitting down. "Or yeah you can just err sit dow-" "So kid. What do you like to do?" I ask her trying to start a conversation. "Umm play sports, write songs, play guitar, sing, fix cars and play videogames I guess." "Okay kiddo I have a real quick thing for you." I say and she nods. "Don't doubt yourself. You always second guess yourself. The key to being confident is to be determined in what you believe in. What bands do you like?" "I like The Beatles, Harry Styles, Ben Platt, Arctic Monkeys and Oasis." She says a bit more confident. "Nice your more confident. That's good. Some good bands and artists there kid." We talk for the rest of the ride and I really start to get to know her. The bus stops and everyone starts to get off. "Right Nix that was a good talk but I feel like you might need to go get your girl now." I say and she looks at me with a shocked expression. "I know that you like Davidson. Go get her." She smiles and I laugh. "Thanks for this Kelley." She says and I shrug. "No problem kid. Now come here." I say and give her a hug. We stop and she gets of the bus and heads towards Tierna. "Well squirrel I'm proud of you." I hear the voice of Ashlyn. "Why?" "Cause you helped her a lot. I can already tell." "All I did was talk to her Ash, it's not as if I did a massive thing." I say looking at the tall keeper. "Trust me Kells. It helped a lot more than you think." I shrug my shoulders and continue to walk towards Alex.  

Tierna's POV:
"Tt! Wait up!" I hear Felix shout at me. "What Phoenix." I say a bit more hashly than I wanted to. "I'm sorry, I really am. Can we just like try again." I smile. "Yes, yes we can." She takes a breath and smiles. "Nice to meet you I'm Phoenix but you can call me Felix." "Hi, I'm Tierna but you can call me Tt." I say and we hug. We walk into the restaurant hand in hand yet again and this time she didn't let go. We sat down next to each other and talked the whole evening. This girl really is something special.

Mal's POV:

"Mally! Come sit next to me!" I turn around and see Caitlin smiling at me. "Awe how can I say no to that face." I say and laugh. I sit next to her and seen Tobin and Christen smirking at me from across the table. I glare at them and tell them to stop. We talk for the night and I start to get to know her a lot more. I really hope Jill keeps her on the team. "You have a cute laugh." She says. I feel myself blushing as she smiles. Yeah I really do like this girl. "Okay girls! Let's go back to the hotel and get ready for a little bit of team bonding." Becky shouts. "You ready to get harrassed by the girls?" I joke and Caitlin laughs. "Well me and Nix are the newbies. I'm shocked people haven't asked many questions yet." "Yeah well that is why we have a thing called team bonding, but hey you have me to help you through it so it can't be that bad." I say and once again she smiles and once again I blush. I will never get bored of that smile. "Come on then. Take my hand and we will embark on a journey.... to the hotel. Not that interesting but can still be an adventure!" She shouts. I laugh and take her hand. She runs off and I run with her. "Excuse me Christen!" She shouts as Chris quickly moves out of the way. "Careful Fleetwood!" I hear her shout and we both laugh as we get onto the bus. "And this is the magic carpet ride of course." "Didn't they kiss at the end of that scene." I say and she blushes. "I umm yeah I er t-think they did." I laugh at how flustered she got. "I'm kidding Kitty Kat." "Kitty Kat?" She questions and I smile. "I like it Mally. As long as only you call me it." "You got it Kitty Kat." We laugh as the bus starts to move. Time for team bonding...

1042 Words. 2nd of January 2021. That felt nice to write 2021 lol. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and have a great beginning of the year. 

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