The Talk

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Thank you for your support. I hope you enjoy this chapter. 

Warnings: Eating disorder, homophobic comments, slight mentions of abuse. 

We go into the room where all the girls are. "I'm fine Cait." She rolls her eyes. "I've had enough of it Nix!" I flinch. "It's fucking dumb! You need to speak to people more! Face your problems!" I laugh. "Wow yeah thanks for that advice. You don't even know what's happened cause you ran off being the wimp you are!" "Okay how about we all calm down?" Tierna and Mal say at the same time. We both ignore them and continue arguing. "It's cause I was scared that something might've happened to you again! It's like you don't let me in anymore!" I got into her face. "That's cause you seem to be more occupied now-a-days!" She laughs. "So do you! Your just like your father!" She shouts and I step back. "Nix I didn't mean that." I look her in the eye. "No you said it, you meant it. If that's how you see me it's fine. I'm just going to err go on a walk for a bit." I start to walk off. I hear Caitlin protest but I wasn't in the mood to be dealing with her. "Hey come on kid how bout we all go out?" Ash says from behind me. "I would rather be alone right now." "I know hun but being with people might help." Ali says. I turn around. "Can Tierna join?" They nod and get Tierna over. I continue walking until I get outside. "Felix." I hear Tierna say from behind me. I turn around. "Come here." I walk into her arms and start crying. "Shh, shh it's okay." She whispers into my ear. I wish I could just leave. 

Caitlin's POV:
"Nix! I'm sorry! Please don't go!" I shout watching my best friend leave. "Come on Kitty Kat." Mal comes up to me and I tear up. "I can't lose her Mally." I whisper to her. "I know, I know hun." She says hugging me. "How bout we all go out for a bit of lunch?" I hear Christen say. I pull out of Mal's hug and see Tobin and Christen standing there. "Yeah you go Mally." I say and start to walk away. I feel someones hand hold my arm and my instincts kick in. "Let go of me!" I quickly pull my hand out of their grip. "Hey, hey it's only me. Mal." I take a deep breath as the memories come back. "I-i'm sorry. I di-didn't mean to-" Once again she pulls me into a big hug. "It's okay. I shouldn't have done it." I shake my head. "You shouldn't have to be worried that your going to do something that will upset me. I'm just being pathetic. It's all good." I feel her shake her head. "Shut up Kitty. Your not in the wrong here." I sigh. "Okay Mally." "Now do you want to have lunch with me, Toby and Pressy?" "Umm yeah if they want me there. I mean I don't want to go into anything that should be just you guys. Like I don't want to interrupt-" I hear Mal giggle. "What?" I say confused. "Your rambling." I smile. "Yeah I guess I am." She pulls out of the hug and gently holds my hand. "Is this okay?" She asks softly. "Yeah, it's err it's nice." We walk over to Christen and Tobin. "You two okay?" Tobin asks and I smile. "Yeah, yeah we are." Mal says. "Alright then come on." 

Tierna's POV:
I hold Nix for a bit as she cries. After a while she calms down and quietly thanks me. "You okay?" I ask her and she nods. "Hey, I'm here for you okay. You don't have to open up straight away but don't hide the fact that your upset." She nods and forces another smile. "Do you want to go get something to eat with Ashlyn and Ali?" She shakes her head. "Yes you do kid come on!" Ash says excited grabbing Nix's arm. I see her tense up and her breathing quicken. "Ash let go of her." I tell her. She relaxes her grip and Nix noticeably calms down. "I'm sorry Nix I didn't think that would hurt you." "It didn't hurt don't worry. It's all good." Ash looks confused and looks at me. I shake my head and she gets the hint. We start walking to a close cafe. "Okay your going to eat a little something." I tell Nix. "Nope." "Yes Felix you need to eat." Yet again she shakes her head. "Why?" "I don't need it." Ash and Ali obviously over hear the conversation. "You do, you need to eat to live." Ali says and Nix shrugs. "Yeah I guess." "What do you mean you guess?" "I don't know I just don't look good and I just yeah I don't umm know..." She says sadly. My heart broke as she said that. How can someone so gorgeous and beautiful think so lowly of herself?

Mal's POV:
We all walk to a local cafe. I'm still holding Caitlin's hand. I feel safer when I'm around her for some reason. As we were walking someone barges into Christen and Tobin who where both holding hands. "Faggots!" The guy shouts. "The fuck did you just say!" Caitlin shouts letting go of my hand and getting into the dudes face. "I called them faggots." "Mhmm I heard that twat." "Look kid if you want a fight then let's have one, just cause you where back there with the hot chick." I see Christen put her hand in front of me and suddenly I feel very uncomfortable. "Go on then hit me cunt, unless your scared to fight a girl." The guy swings for Caitlin but she deflects it. I see the guy get angry and starts to throw punches at Caitlin hitting most of them but Caitlin doesn't fight back. "You done?" She questions and the guy laughs. "Knew you didn't have the strength to take me." Caitlin smirks and whispers something in his ear. I watch as the guy's face becomes frightend and he runs off. "That's what I thought. Nice meeting you asshole!" Caitlin shouts and walks back over to us. "I'm err sorry, you had to umm see that-" She gets inturrupted by Christen tackling her into a hug. "Umm hi I guess." "Thank you. Are you okay?" Christen says sincerly and Caitlin laughs. "Yeah I am don't worry he couldn't hit that hard. Why are you thanking me?" "For standing up for us. I haven't been nice to you at all. Why did you stand up for us?" "One, your Mal's basic parents seemed only right, two we are teammates now means I will protect you no matter what and three what he said was unexceptable no matter who he said it too." Christen smiles and hugs her one last time before walking over to me and leaving Caitlin with Tobin who too was very grateful. "I can see what you mean. I like her." I smile. "I like her too." 

1181 Words. 8th of January 2021. I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry for the later update again. Hope you have a good day/night. 

Broken Like Me  (USWNT Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora