Getting Help

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Thank you for all the support. You are all amazing! Let's get into the chapter.

Warnings: Self-harm, depressive thoughts, withdrawl symptoms
Tobin's POV:
I tell Chris to get Tierna and sit with Nix. "Can you tell me why?" She looks at me and then looks away. "I get these thoughts." I sit in silence waiting for her to finish. "About myself. I think I'm fat and ugly. Like you will all turn on me. Hurt me. I'll dissapoint you. I may as well be dead." I sigh. "I get it kid. I really do." I pull up my shorts and sleeves and show her my old scars on my leg and shoulder. "W-wait you?" I roll down my shorts and sleeves. "No-one knows. Chris knows about my thoughts but not about this. I'm trusting you." She nods her head. "Why?" She asks. "I had the same thoughts. I really struggled but with the right help I became better." She leans into me and I hug her. "How did Chris not see?" "I hide it pretty well. I always where joggers or long shorts with hoodies. Whenever I'm in a game I wear under armour. Jill barely ever puts us in the same room and I've never had sex with her." I see the young girl cringe. "Woah too much information Toby." I laugh until I hear a voice. "Is she okay?" I hear Tierna ask Chris. I see the tall defender come in and look at the small girl. "I think me and Chris should give you guys some time." I take my girlfriend out of the room and look at her. "She will be okay right?" Chris asks. "Yeah." She looks at me. "Babe talk to me." I sigh. "She reminds me so much of myself." "The thoughts?" I slowly nod. She looks me in the eye. "That's not just it. What else?" I shake my head. "You'll hate me Chris." I say in a quiet voice. "I could never hate you babe. What did you two talk about?" I slowly roll up my shorts and sleeves. I hear her gasp and I collapse. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I repeat as she holds me. I really messed up. 

Tierna's POV:
I look at Felix and see her hiding her arms. "Let me look." She shakes her head so I crouch down. "Baby, let me see your arms." She gives in and I look at the many cuts. I kiss them and she cries. I hold her and let her get it out. After a while she stops crying and I give her and slight smile. "I'm sorry." She get's out and I shake my head. "Don't be sorry. Don't say sorry to anyone okay. I'm here now. I will help." She nods her head. "Why? You don't have to tell me. I'm just trying to see how I can help you." "I get these thoughts. Like the thoughts I get when I eat." "What do you think?" "Your going to hate me. I'm a dissapointment. I will let everyone down. I would be better off dead." I slightly cry and she looks at me. She wipes my tears and I smile. "I know it's hard Felix but I need you to get help. I want to help you. Your too gorgeous to do this to yourself. I will be here for you." She leans up and kisses me. We pull apart and I smile. "I will do it for you." I shake my head. "Do it for yourself." "I will hun." I hug her and she nuzzles into me.  

Mal's POV:
I'm still being carried by Caitin. She suddenly drops me and falls to the ground. "Caitlin?" I ask worried. She looks at me and I see shock come over her face. "Mal, oh my God I'm sorry." "For?" "I dropped you are you okay?" I smile. "I'm fine, just worried about you." "Yeah sorry I um went really dizzy." I look at her and see the sad look on her face. "It's the alcohol isn't it?" She nods. I stand up and help her up. "You can get through this, I know you can." She smiles and I look around to make sure no one was near and kiss her cheek. "Come on let's head to training." "You need to tell Jill though." I see her frantically shake her head. "No no, Mal she will kick me off the team. I'm fine I can get through training." I eye her cautiously and she smiles. "I'm fine and if I'm not I'll go off the pitch, I promise." She puts out her pinky and I shake her pinky. I lean my head onto her shoulder and walk downstairs waiting for the rest of the girls. She better be okay. 

Tobin's POV:
I calm down and Christen looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't think it was that bad. I'm sorry." "I love you so fucking much Toby. I am always here for you. If you ever think like that again tell me okay. Just please baby, not like that." I nod and she engulfs me. "I love you Chris." We hear the door open and see Tierna and Nix walk out. "We good?" I ask and they nod. "Right we need to head to training but we will talk about this later yeah." Chris says looking at all of us. "Yeah, thank you." Nix says and hugs us. "Your welcome, our door is always open." She smiles. I see Chris smile. "I'm getting better with it Chris." I look at them confused. "I'm glad just remember my promise." Nix nods. "Sorry what?" Me and Tierna say at the same time. "Don't worry. Inside thing." They laugh and we start heading to the lobby. "Oh God we are so late." Tierna says. "Fuck." I say and we start sprinting. "Where have you four been?!" Jill shouts. "Sorry Jill it was really important and we will talk about it later." Chris says. Jill eyes us but continues. "Right on the bus!" She yells and we start moving. I stare at Chris and start thinking. How did I get so lucky?

1028 Words. 18th of January 2021. I know Tobin Heath has not done any of this but for the story she has. I'm sorry for not updating, I may not be updating that often as I recently found out my grandad has passed. I hope you understand and I will try and update as soon as possible. Have a great day/night. 

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