Therapy Session

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Sorry for not updating that much. I was ill and couldn't do anything. Thank you for all the support! Let's get into the chapter. 

Warnings: Therapy sessions, mentions of anxiety, depression and ADHD.  
Caitlin's POV:

"Cait! Come on!" I hear Kelley shout into the bedroom. "Nope!" Mal looks at me. "What?" I say innocently. "Babe you said you would give it a try." I avoid eye contact knowing if I do I would cave in. "Look at me Cait." I shake my head and hear her giggle. "Why? Scared you will give in..." I take a deep breath. God even her voice is sexy. I feel her gently hold my cheek and turn my head so I'm facing her. "Mal." I breath out. "That's my name gorgeous." She kisses me and I smile. "Please do it.... for me baby." I sigh. "I hate you." She laughs and pushes me gently. "You love me really." "Mhm you believe that." "Caitlin seriously hurry the fuck up!" Kelley shouts and I get my bag. "Now coming!" I give Mal a kiss on the cheek and say goodbye. "Right come on littlun." "I'm taller than you Kells." She looks me up and down and laughs. "I get it I'm short, come on." 

 Nix's POV:

"Come on kid!" I hear Tobin shout. "Ugh!" Tierna looks at me. "Come on, you said you would try it." I sigh. "I know..." She kisses my neck and giggles. "I hate that your so cute." She continues kissing my neck. "Tt..." I feel her smirk and grab my thigh. "Fuck." I barely get out. "Come on, time to go." She whispers making me shiver. "Don't be such a tease." I pout. "Awe that's the fun of it though babe." "It's annoying." "Admit it, you love it." She says smiling. "Yeah I guess I do." "Nix! Come on dude!" Tobin shouts again. "Now coming!" I go over to Tierna and say goodbye. "Be careful baby and stay with Toby." I nod my head and head out. "Oh look you finally decided to arrive did you." "Sorry, I'm just nervous." She nods her head. "Me two buddy but we have each other so come on!" I laugh and get into the car. 

Kelley's POV:
We arrive at the therapist and sit down. "You ready kid?" I ask Caitlin noticing she's fiddling with her hands a lot. "Huh oh err yeah, yeah I guess." I take her hand. "I'm sorry, please don't." I hear her whisper. I let go and she takes a deep breath. "Sorry. I'm sorry Cait. I didn't mean to scare you." "No no you didn't, it's alright." I look at her and sigh. "Tobin just let me go!" I hear a familiar voice shout. "Nix!" Caitlin shouts and runs over to her. "Calm down Nix, just breathe." I go over and see Tobin crying. "Hey, hey breathe. She's just a bit upset that's all." "Nix, your safe. Your alright." I hug Tobin. "Don't touch me!" I look at Caitlin. "What wrong with her?" "Sometimes she becomes to sensitive or overwhelmed and breaks down. She won't let anyone touch her and she freaks out." I continue watching as Cait tries to calm down Nix. "Nix you need to breathe." "Cait?" Cait hugs her and Nix slowly calms down. 

Nix's POV:
"Fuck." I get out. "It's been ages Nixy." Caitlin says in my ear and I sigh. "I know, I just ugh she was touching me and then I felt trapped and just..." I get cut of by her. "I know, I know..." I stand up and Caitlin let's go of me. I look over to see Tobin still crying. "Tobin I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt or scare you." She looks up and hugs me. I tense up and feel another attack coming. "Tobin stop." I take a deep breath as the vet steps back. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean for you to be uncomfortable." "I'm fine Tobin, sorry sometimes I freak out because... well I don't know." She nods and I sigh. "It's okay, just breathe. Anyway why the fuck are you here?" Caitlin asks. "I could say the same to you twat." "I have an appointment." "Same." We nod and go to sit down. The older players come and sit down with us and we wait for our names to be called. "Phoenix Rivers!" I stand up and look at Tobin. "Can you err come with me please?" She nods and comes with me. "Hello Miss Rivers. I am Hannah." I smile and sit down. "Okay so I see you have had an abusive past and self-harm issues as well as depressive thoughts." I nod. "So tell me what do you enjoy?" "Music and sports." She nods and writes some stuff down. "What do you think?" "That I will disappoint everyone, people will hurt me, no-one likes me, I'm a failure. You know the normal shit." 

Tobin's POV:
 I sit and listen to Nix and Hannah talk. "Okay Miss Rivers, I think you have depression and anxiety." Nix nods her head and I hold her hand. "I suggest you keep coming back and talk to people who care about you." She says looking at me. "Right that is all the time we have, I have to ask are you a Miss Tobin Heath?" I nod and she smiles. "Well then Miss Heath shall we get started." I nod. "Do you want me to stay or go Tobs?" "Stay please." She nods her head and holds onto my hand tighter. 

Caitlin's POV:
After a while, Tobin and Nix come out of the room and sit back down next to us. "Well?" Kelley asks. "She thinks I have anxiety and depression." Nix says. I hug her and kiss the side of her head. "We will get through this together Nixy." She smiles and we stay like that until my name is called. "It's not that bad Cait, you've got this." Kelley says and I nod. "Kells, mind um joining me?" She stands up and takes my hand. "Come on kiddo." We walk into the room and I look around. "Woah this is cool." "Cait it's just pictures." Kells says and I laugh. "Yeah but they are cool." We sit down and the person says something but I ignore her and continue looking at the wall. "Cait!" "Huh sorry, what did you say?" "I can already tell you cause some mischief." The woman says smiling. "Yeah um sorry, I just liked the colours very bright." "Okay I'm Hannah, I will talk to you for a bit and see what could be wrong, I will write some stuff down if that's alright." I nod and we start to talk. A while later our time is up. "Okay Cait, I think you have anxiety." "Yeah that's what people say." I say and she continues. "I also think you have ADHD." "Sorry, what" "ADHD, it's a mental disorder where the person struggles to concentrate and react on impulse." I shake my head. "Someone would have figured it out ages ago." I look at Kelley and she looks at me sadly. "You think this as well?" She nods her head and I laugh. "What are the symptoms?" "Difficulty paying attention, fidgeting, forgetfulness, heightened emotions and reacting on impulse." I sigh knowing she was right. "Okay so you will come back for sessions and we might discuss putting you on medication." I stand up and shake her hand. "Thank you." "It's no problem." We walk out and I lean against the wall. "You alright Caitlin?" I shake my head and start to cry. "Come here." Kelley says putting her arms out. "I'll be here and so will the rest of the team and Mal." I nod and burry myself into Kelley. Everything will be alright...

1289 Words. 5th of February 2021. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's not one of my best I must admit lol. Have a amazing day/night.  

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