The Truth

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Thank you for 2,000 reads, it really means a lot. Anyway, let's get into the chapter. 

Warnings: Abuse, self-harm, deppressive thoughts
Caitlin's POV:

Once we get back to the hotel we decide to go to our rooms for a bit before tea. "Mind if we join you guys?" Christen asks. "Sure Pressy!" Mal says excited. I smile and let her and Tobin in. "Movie?!" "Sure what have you got Mally?" Tobin asks. "Right while you guys sort what movie you want to watch, can me and Caitlin go outside for a chat?" "Sure ma'am." She opens the door and I follow suit. Before the door closes I see Mal look scared. I give her a wink to let her know I'll be okay. "What would you like to talk about ma'am?" She looks at me weirdly. "What's with the ma'am thing? You don't say that to anyone except me." I look down. "You err just remind me of someone." I don't want to let Christen know she reminds me of my abusive orphanage owner. "One of your teachers?" I tear up. "Yeah, yeah something like that." She notices my saddness and looks at me with sympathy. "Don't give me that look. I'm fine honest." I say putting on a smile. "Your not though are you?" Ouch, that hit me. I want to scream, to sob into her shoulder, admitting everything, my past, the alchohol abuse and much more but I can't. I'm not weak like that. I take a shaky breath. "Of course I am." She comes towards me and I take a step backwards. She looks at me with confusion. "I'm umm sorry, it's not you I ju-just don't want you touching me. Please don't take that offensively." There was a minute of silence. I was waiting for her to yell at me, to hit me even but nothing ever happened. I finally have the courage to look up and meet her eyes. "They abused you, didn't they." I stand there in shock. "That's why you don't want me touching you, whoever it was hurt you." I slowly nod my head and she starts crying. "I'm sorry ma'am I didn't mean to make you cry." I say refusing myself to cry. I walk into the room. "Tobin, Christen needs you." I say not knowing what to do in this situation. She rushes past me and heads outside. "Everything okay beautiful?" I can't cry, not in front of Mal, she's already had to deal with me too much today, I just want to get drunk. I nod my head. "Hey, hey look at me." I make eye contact with her and in that momment I crumble. I fall to the ground and sob. I feel a body hug me and I cry into their shouler. "Shh baby I'm here." Why couldn't I just be normal?
Nix's POV:
"Nix we just got a text from Chris saying she needs to see you." Ashlyn says. "Where does she want to meet?" "Outside your room, take the key so you can go in there and not stand in the hall." I nod my head and head out with they key. "I'll see you in a bit. Text me when you and Chris have stopped talking." Tierna says and I give her a hug. I walk over to the room and see Chris there. "Hi Christen!" I smile and she turns around to see me. "Have you been crying, are you okay?" I start to panic about the older stiker. She smiles. "Wow you and Caitlin are really simular." I smile thinking about my best friend. "She's okay right?" She nods her head. "But you and I need a quick talk." I nod and head into the room. We sat down on the bed and she looks at me. "Did you know that Caitlin was abused." I sit there shocked. "Where did you hear that." "She told me." "Caitlin wouldn't do that!" I start to get annoyed. "I'm telling you Nix that she told me." She says still calmly. "Why? Why would she?" "Apparently I look like the person." I study Christen's face. I look into her eyes and picture the matron. "You do." I say defeated. "Wait you know who hurt her?" I nod. "Why didn't you tell anyone, is she still getting hurt?" "No she isn't and I didn't tell anyone cause she would have killed us." "Us?" I sigh. "She abused me too. Cait was always there for me, everytime. That's why we are so close. We've been through a lot, this was bad but even before this happened we both have issues. Some we have never spoke about." Christen starts to cry. "I'm sorry I remind you of her." I laugh. "It's not your fault that you look like her Chris, don't worry about it. I trust you enough to know you will never hurt me. Caitlin takes a little longer to trust someone though, just wait she will start to trust you at some point." She nods. "Who was it?" "That my friend, I can not tell you. It will only dig a bigger hole and right now I can't deal with explaining it." "You guys are broken aren't you." I don't answer her and stand up. "No offence but can you get Tierna?" I ask and she nods her head. "Thank you for telling me, I'm going to have to tell Jill though." "You can't! Please Chris please don't." She sighs. "Okay Nix." I smile and thank her. She walks out and closes the door. 'Just do it, you know you want to. Need to. You've got at least 7 minutes before Tierna get's here. Plently of time.' I walk into the bathroom and get out my blade. I roll up my sleeves to see the previous scars. 'Your worthless, pathetic.' I start to cry as I drag the blade across my skin. 'No one will ever care about you, you should've just stayed at the orphanage.' I make a few more cuts and then clean up. 'Dissapointment' When will these thoughts stop. 

Mal's POV:
I hold Cait as she shakes and sobs. After a while she calms down. I hear her whisper something under her breath. "What was that?" I ask her. "Nothing don't worry." I seperate from her and she pouts. I cuddle into her side knowing that she felt weak. I put my hand on her stomach and traced her abs. I feel her start to fall asleep on me. "I will always be here for you." I say. I just want her to be happy. 

1092 Words. 12th of January 2021. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you have a good day/night.  

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