Getting Help Pt2

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Hey guys I've decided that writting helps to distract me for a bit so I will keep updating. I hope you enjoy this chapter. 

Warnings: Withdrawl symptoms, mentions of self-harm and blades, minor panic attack. 

Mal's POV:
"Chris!" I shout. She crosses the ball and I take a shot. "Boom!" I hear Tobin shout from the other side of me. "Great goal kiddo." I smile and walk over to Chris and Caitlin. "Great cross Pressy." She smiles and pats my head. "Come on let's get started up again." She starts to run off and I follow until I get dragged back. "Cait?" She looks at me and I could tell something was wrong. "Mally I don't feel good." "What's hurting?" I ask. "Mal! Caitlin! Hurry up!" Jill shouts. "Coach something isn't right!" I shout and Dawn comes over. She looks into her eyes. "They are dialted, maybe a head injury." I shake my head. "She's trying to be sober." I whisper and Dawn looks shocked. "Drugs?" "No, alcohol."  She sighs. "Oh Caitlin." We hear Caitlin start to cry and I knew she wouldn't want anyone seeing her cry so I hug her. I feel her shaking. "Breathe, calm down I'm here." She nuzzles herself into me and I look at Dawn. "What do you think we should do?" "I say Caitlin sits out for the rest of training and you get back in there. I'll sit with her and make sure she is okay." I nod and let go of Cait. "Dawn can you just leave us a second." "Of course, I will be at the sidelines meet me there Cait and don't worry I'll talk to Jill." I nod my head and look into her eyes and in that moment fall for her even more. "Baby you need to go to Dawn but I promise that I will come straight to you after the scrimmage." I see her weakly put out her pinky and I shake it. "Kick ass beautiful." She manges to get out. I smile and hug her one last time. I run back to the circle and watch as Caitlin goes to the sidelines. "She okay?" Chris asks and I shake my head. "No but she will be." I say not taking my eyes of her. I just hope she stays sober. 

Nix's POV:
We finish training and Chris invited us up to her and Tobin's room. "Let us just get changed and showered and we will be straight there." "I want to join!" I hear someone shout. I flinch a bit and feel a hand on my shoulder. "Nix it's just me." I see Tierna looking at me and go into her side as she puts a protective arm around me. I see Kelley appear and tackle Tobin to the ground. "What the fuck Kells!" Tobin shouts and I watch as they play fight for a bit. Me and Tierna laugh our asses off as Christen tries to break it up. They finally stop fighting and we go to our rooms to freshen up. I walk through the door and lay down on the bed. "Tired babe?" I let out a hum and watch as Tierna started making her way to me. She sits on top of me and smirks. "What are you thinking about huh?" I ask. "" She says kissing me inbetween words. I laugh and kick her off. "Go get ready." She starts to get ready and I smile to myself. She's not the lucky one I am. 

Christen's POV:
After a while I hear a knock at the door and see Tierna and Nix in their casual wear. "Toby's just getting out of the shower." "Huh I heard my name." A half dressed Tobin says walking through. I look at Tobin's abs and struggle to breathe. "Chris?" Tobin asks concerned. "I-I umm yeah c-come in guys." I get out. I've never seen Tobin without a shirt on and holy shit it's made me fall in love with her even more. "Christen we are already inside." "Oh hush." I say blushing majorly. Tobin puts on a shirt and sits down on one bed. "Sit on that one I'll sit next to Toby." I sit down and eye Tobin. "So what are we actually doing?" Nix asks. "You two are giving me your blades." I say. "Two?" Tierna asks. "I-I haven't done anything." "No, T you haven't. I have." Tobin says and stands up. I watch as she walks into the bathroom and pulls one out. "I have it on me just in case but for your information Chris I've been sober for nearly a year now." She says handing me the small blade. "I have one in the back of my phone but I need it." I look her in the eye. "Toby." "I know, I promise if I ever feel like using it I will tell you. I just need to know I have one on me. It helps I promise. I feel more panicked without it." I nod and look at Nix. "One's in the bathroom in our room and same as Tobin." I watch as Tierna and Nix talk about the blade in her phone case. "They like each other." Tobin whispers in my ear and I nod. They finish talking and obviously come to an agreement. "I'll give you her blade later." Tierna says to me and I smile. "Good, good. Now I think it would be better if." I take a break knowing that this will cause some arguments. "If?" Nix asks. "If you and Tobin went to therapy." I see Tobin stand up and glare at me. "And Tobin!" She shouts and I nod. "No! I don't need to!" I shake my head. "Why do you still have a blade on you then?" "B-Because... I" "You are going Toby." She shakes her head and storms out. I put my head in my hands and I hear someone stand up and hug me. "I'm sorry Chris." Tierna says. "It's fine, she will come around." I look up and see Nix still on the bed. "How does that sound though?" I ask and she nods her head. "Thank you Chris." I nod my head. I hope Tobin comes around.

Caitlin's POV:
After training me and Mal head upstairs and I lay down on the bed. "Lyn." I spring up as I hear the voice. "Oh it's been to long dear." I start to cry as the figure comes into view. "I see you've met a girl... pathetic." "No. It's not I really like her!" I shout back. "Stop shouting back!" I stand up and try to get as far away from the matron as possible. I keep walking back until I hit something. "Stop! Please!" I scream wanting the matron to go away. 

Mal's POV:
I hear Caitlin shouting. I run through and see her start to stand up. She was shaking and crying. "Cait!" I shout trying to get her attention but it's like I don't exist. She starts to walk back and I go to try and help her. She hits me and starts screaming more. I start to panic as she falls to the ground. I hug her tightly and she kicks and punches to try and get out of my hold. Fuck, I don't know what to do.

1208 Words. 19th of January 2021. I hope you liked this chapter. Thank you for the support. Have an amazing day/night.

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