Team Bonding

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Another chapter lol. I have school tommorrow kill me <3. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Warnings: Deppressive thoughts, alcohol abuse
Nix's POV:
"Come on Felix!" Tierna shouts and I laugh. "Wow, having fun with that one." I hear Tobin Heath say from behind me. "Oh hi, umm yeah. It's quite fun actually." I say laughing. "I can tell. You know what, your alright kid, can't wait to see what you can bring to the team." I smile and she walks off. 'She's lying, she hates you, who could like you, they're probably waiting for you to inevitably mess up and then hate you for the rest of your life.' "Felix!" I hear Tierna screaming. "What oh umm yeah. Now coming." "You okay?" She asks concerned. 'No' "Yeah I'm just great. Come on." I say. She looks at me and smiles. "Let's a go!" 

Caitlins's POV:
"Mally come on!" I shout and she runs up to me. "Catch me Kitty Kat!" I catch her and she giggles. I could listen to her giggle all day. I smile and walk into the hotel with her in my arms. "Wow, your strong as fuck!" I hear Lindsey Horan say and I laugh. "Ready to get down now Mally?" "Nope. Can you carry me to the room?" I smile. "Of course, your majesty. Um Lindsey where is the meeting room?"I ask. "It's in Kelley's, Alex's and Allie's." The blonde responds. "Thank you darling." I say winking and she laughs. "Such a charmer." "I know right. Right me lady. Let's head off." I say still with Mal in my arms. 

Christen's POV:
"Yo yo, I know your favourite midfielder has just arrived. No need to get so excited." Lindsey says. "Oh shut it Linds." Emily says laughing as Lindsey fake pouts. "Em I thought you were my mate." "Okay. Have we got everyone?" Carli questions. I look around and notice Mal and the newbie aren't here. "Anyone seen Mal and the newbie?" I ask and Lindsey laughs. "They'll be here in a mi-" She get's interupted by the door opening. "Sorry I'm late my bus was slow." Mal says getting down from the new kids arms." "Haha." She says sarcastically. "Mal! You can't just let the newbie carry you around everywhere!" Alex says. "Oh no. It's fine honestly. It was fun." I glare at her and feel Tobin hit me. "Hey, she seems nice enough. Anyway. They are just freinds." She whispers to me and I look at her. "Mhm sure babe." We start asking questions about the newbies. Eventually we all get bored of getting to know them so we play truth or dare instead. After a while I see Caitlin cuddle up to Mal.

Mal's POV:

I feel Caitlin lean into me and I smile. "You tired?" I ask her. "Nope. Just wanted to annoy you." "Oh yeah you are just SO annoying." I say and she giggles. "I know right. I don't see how you can last a whole 3 weeks with me in the same room as you." "I honestly don't think I will survive." I joke and she laughs. "What's happening over there then?" Kelley questions and I freeze. "I was just pestering Mal to see if we could go back to the room cause I'm tired." "That's a good point what is the time?" Becky says. The rest of the team starts speaking but I can't focus on anything.  "Breathe Mally. It's okay." I hear Caitlin whisper in my ear. I feel her grip on me tighten and I truely feel safe. I lean into her and get relaxed by her scent. After a while I calm down. "Thank you." I finally say. "For what?" "For helping me." "Oh don't worry about it. I may be a joker and someone who fucks about all the time but I'm always here." I smile and she laughs. "Anyway. You okay to get up?" I nod. "Let's go then me lady. Let's get some rest shall we?" "Sounds like a plan." She smiles as I take her hand. I could handle this for 3 weeks. 

Tierna's POV:
"Felix let's go!" I shout and she fliches. "Sorry. I didn't realise that would scare you." She turns around and smiles. "Don't worry bout it Tt." We walk to the room and get ready for bed. I look over at Felix who is on her phone. "You coming to bed?" I ask. "In a bit yeah. I normally stay up for a little bit." "Sounds good, just make sure to get a good amount of sleep." She smiles. "Goodnight Tt." "Goodnight Felix." I say before I turn off my light.

Nix's POV:
Once I see that Tierna is fully asleep I get my headphones out and listen to NF and sit on the windowsill. I can relate to the rapper a lot. "Some days, I just wanna leave the negativity in my head. I just want relieve from my stress, I just want relieve from my stress." I quietly sing the lyrics. 'You will never make it anywhere, everyone hates you, they will all turn on you and hurt you just like your father' I start crying as my thoughts consume me. I wish I could just jump and end it all. 

Caitlin's POV:
I see Mal asleep and smile. She's not like me then. I go over to my suitcase and get out the 2 bottles of Jack Daniels. I put on my jacket and head out. Once I'm out of the hotel I open the first bottle and start drinking. I look up and see Nix in her normal position. I think of everything we have been through together and let out a tear. "Fuck." I say and down more of the booze. We are both very private people who deal with their shit differantly. Personally I like to forget and get drunk. I keep drinking until both the bottles are gone. I go for a little walk to just have time to myself. I sit down on a bench and just think. Of where I am now, how I got here, the sacrafices, my past, my issues. I think until I see the sun rise. "Well then, time to go back." I say to myself and start heading back. Time for another day...

1041 Words. 4th of January 2021. I hope you liked this chapter. Give me any suggestions if you want. 

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