Chapter Twenty-Seven: Get Well Soon

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“When a man takes an oath... he's holding his own self in his own hands.  Like water.  And if he opens his fingers then - he needn't hope to find himself again.”

-          Robert Bolt

Brian frowned as he looked down at Matt, panic that had been ever present since Zacky’s visit two days ago rushing through his system.

“Hey, Matt.” He murmured, calloused fingers touching Matt’s face. “Zacky spent the past two nights in jail. We’re all just glad Dr. Henderson decided not to press charges. He’s getting out today.”

“Do you believe what he said?” Arin's voice asked, and Brian turned around to see the drummer enter the room.

Brian shrugged. “The only one who knows that wasn’t involved is this guy.” Brian patted Matt’s shoulder. “I can’t imagine that the hospital would do something like that. He probably misheard.”

Arin had brought flowers for Matt today. He set them on the window sill, and sighed. “The fans are writing Get Well Soon cards for him.” He said, “Larry said they’re piling up. We should start reading them to him.”

Brian smiled at the younger man, throwing his arm around Arin’s shoulder. “That’s a good idea, kid.” He agreed, causing Arin to smile. He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a nurse entering the room.

“Are you Matt’s friends?” she asked warmly, and they nodded.

“He’s so lucky to have you guys. Sometimes we have people who come in that never get visitors. I try and spend time with all of them.” She went to the drip that gave Matt fluids, and began fiddling with it, replacing his current drip with a different one. “Dr. Henderson specifically said not to give him antibiotics, but how else will his body fight the infection? So I’m giving him meds. I heard the doctor talking to Sandra the other night. When that man socked him. I’m telling you, they’re up to no good.”

The band members watched the nurse flutter about Matt, a confused expression on their faces. “So, they were really trying to hurt Matt? Zacky wasn’t making that up?”

She shook her head, “No, he wasn’t. It’s completely immoral what Henderson is trying to do, and I’m determined to make sure Matt wakes up.” She smiled at them. “Don’t worry, boys. It may take some time, but I can assure you that your friend will wake up.” She made an ‘X’ over her heart with her finger, something Brian recognized from his elementary school years. “Cross my heart.”

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