Epilogue: March 23, 2017

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“The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye, the story of love is hello and goodbye...until we meet again”

Jimi Hendrix

The squeals of laughter could be heard up and down the vacant beach. River ran through the shallow water while Owen laughed and toddled after him before plopping down in the wet sand and splashing about. Matt watched with a happy sigh as Bella plodded over to the toddler, sitting down and nudging his face with her nose gently.

Matt had recovered from his coma, after coming in and out of it for a couple weeks, and slowly began to remember things, began to eat on his own, speak, eventually walk. He and Arin had talked about the dreams, which eventually led to dating, engagement, and finally a marriage and two astounding children. Matt was completely and utterly smitten with Arin.

“They sure are beautiful, aren’t they?” Arin leaned his head on Matt’s shoulder, and he smiled, wrapping an arm around his husband. Matt turned so he could kiss Arin’s temple, and Arin tilted his head to meet Matt’s lips, smiling softly.

“They’re absolutely perfect.” Matt agreed, focusing his gaze back on the children and watching with a smile as River threw the tennis ball for Bella to fetch. She heaved herself to her feet and trotted leisurely after it. The ball landed at a man’s feet, and he picked it up, rubbing the old dog behind the ears gently. Matt watched warily as the man tossed the ball gently back to River, before making his way towards Matt and Arin, Bella staying close to his side.

Matt opened his mouth, then closed it again. He didn’t know what to say. Eventually, he managed, “I-I’m sorry, she’s not usually like this w-with strangers.”

A pair of mischievous blue eyes winked at the man, and he said, “No, it’s fine. In fact,” Jimmy’s mouth broke out in a grin. “I used to have a dog just like her.”


“Tell me about them.” Jimmy said. They were sharing a cigarette while Arin and the boys built a sandcastle. Matt smiled warmly.

“River’s four, he’s from Russia. It was a hassle getting him, they tried to take him back after we’d had him for six months, but he’s ours now. He’s such a character, Jimmy, brilliant little fucker, and a little troublemaker. You’d love him. And Owen, we got him a couple years back in China. He had some trouble adjusting, he was very sick when we got him, but now he’s right as rain. He loves River to death, follows him everywhere, wants to be just like him. He loves his papa more than anything, I think. Arin was the one that got him to open up. He was terrified when we brought him back.”

Jimmy chuckled, watching Arin tickle Owen, causing him to giggle loudly. “They sure are adorable. Bring ‘em over. I wanna meet them.”

“But won’t they not be able to see you?”

Jimmy laughed softly, his eyes flicking down to Matt’s lips, but he didn’t kiss him. “Of course they will.” He didn’t offer any more of an explanation, but Matt didn’t need it. He called over Arin and the kids, and they tore through the sand to Matt, the boys slowing slightly as they gazed up at Jimmy shyly.

“River, Owen, this is your Uncle Jimmy.” Matt introduced, and Jimmy grinned that heart-warming, show-stopping grin that instantly had the pair warming up to him.

In no time the boys were chasing Jimmy around the beach, and the man was laughing and roaring and claiming that he was the dragon of the keep and he was going to burn down the castle if the boys didn’t stop him, much to their delight.

Matt felt a certain sadness in his heart as he watched Jimmy with his sons. He couldn’t help but wonder what would have been different if Jimmy had been a father to them, what would have changed. But he felt a warm arm snake around his waist, and he remembered how happy he was that Jimmy had helped him to move on. He wasn’t happy Jimmy had left, he never would be, but he was glad that Jimmy had led him to someone as special as Arin. He was the only one that could fill up the hole Jimmy had left behind. He had not fallen out of love with Jimmy, and he was certain that he never would, but he had learned that that wasn’t how to let go. Letting go was realizing that it was alright to move on, to love someone new, even if you didn’t stop loving who you were with in the first place.

“I love you.” He whispered to Arin, smiling softly as the younger man nuzzled his face in the vocalist’s neck.

“I love you too, babe.” Arin replied, kissing Matt’s neck softly. Matt turned his head so they could kiss properly, and Matt gripped his hands in Arin’s thick hair, keeping him in place. Arin gasped softly at this, and Matt smirked, sliding his tongue into his husband’s mouth.

“Ew, daddy and papa are kissing!!” River squealed, and Owen giggled. Matt pulled away quickly as he heard Jimmy chorus, “Daddy and papa sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”

Matt rolled his eyes, looking over at Arin who was blushing madly. He offered the drummer his hand and they stood up, making their way to the trio laughing in the sand.


Jimmy had to leave that evening, much to Matt’s dismay. But Arin took the kids in, letting them spend their last few moments alone.

“I miss you every day.” Matt whispered, leaning into Jimmy’s touch as the older man wrapped his arms around him. “Sometimes I wish you had never left.”

“Oh, Mattie…” Jimmy cupped Matt’s face in his hands and tilted his head up to meet the drummer’s face. Matt could tell he wanted to kiss him, but was holding back.

“I love you, Jimmy.” Matt’s voice was hoarse with tears that had yet to make an entrance, and Jimmy smiled sadly, looking down at the ground.

“I love you too, Mattiepoo.” He tried to make light of the situation, but neither of them laughed. Matt regarded him thoughtfully, before snaking his arms around Jimmy’s neck and kissing him.

Matt did not remember how much he had missed Jimmy’s lips. They were beautiful, moist and exotic against his own, tasting of smoke and spearmint and a hint of alcohol that was Jimmy. Jimmy smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Matt’s waist and holding him tight, before breaking apart. “W-What was that about?” he asked quietly.

“I-I wanted a kiss goodnight.” Matt whispered, a tear finally streaking down his cheek, “Besides, it can be our secret. No one else has to know.” Inside, he knew Arin knew that it was likely going on, but he also knew that the younger man would expect it. It would be alright. “Just you, and me, and-“

“And the beach?” Jimmy asked, wiping Matt’s tears away with a thumb that was less than solid. Matt watched Jimmy sadly as he could see the fading rays of the sun through Jimmy’s chest. He smiled the best he could and nodded in agreement, sneaking a final kiss before Jimmy melted away.

“And the beach.”

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