Chapter Six: Dreary Days and a Big Decision

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“A thunderstorm tugs at our emotions from deep with-in. Filling us with turbulence and peace at the same time.”

-          Annalee Hopkins

They were going to go to the beach. It was too cold to go in the water, but they could sit by the waves and maybe play in the sand.

It stormed instead.

Matt sighed and stared outside at the torrents. A peal of thunder suddenly shook the house, and he jumped, running to the bedroom, where Jimmy was curled under the blankets. Matt dove under the covers, snuggling close to the protesting drummer. “Mattie, you’re cold! What was that all about?”

“There was thunder…” Matt murmured sheepishly, and Jimmy chuckled. “You got scared of thunder?”

“Well, yeah… I mean, it just startled me…” Matt looked away, embarrassed, and Jimmy laughed, kissing Matt’s forehead.

“Big, strong Mattiepoo, afraid of a bit of thunder!” He grinned, tweaking Matt’s nose. Matt scrunched up his face, poking his tongue out at the drummer.

 “Fuck you, James.”

“Yes, please.” Jimmy said, waggling his eyebrows at the younger man.

They had lots of sex the past two days Jimmy had been here. They couldn’t keep their hands of each other, and Jimmy was just as horny as he had been when he was here before. They fucked in bed, in the shower, on the table, over the counter, on the couch, on the floor. The two were making up for lost time, and all the time they were going to lose in the future.

“So who will you pick?” Jimmy asked when Matt was reluctant to accept his invitation. “Who else will be able to take part in this?” He gestured towards his body, making himself look enticing.

Matt shrugged. “I don’t know…”

He had been putting it off, he knew it. Jimmy asked him often, and his answer was always similar. He just wasn’t sure who deserved to be with Jimmy most. He had two sisters, a mom, a dad, and all his friends. How could he pick Kelly over Katie? Joe over Barb? Johnny over Brian? It was too hard.

Jimmy smiled softly, kissing Matt tenderly. “It’s okay. You don’t have to pick anyone if you don’t want to. It’s enough for me to be here with you. I couldn’t be happier.”

Matt smiled back and kissed Jimmy deeply, cupping his face in his hands. “I love you, Jimmy.” He whispered into the kiss, gasping as a tongue slipped into his mouth.

Lips and tongues molded together, breathy moans and whispered words were uttered. Matt tangled his hands in the back of Jimmy’s hair, and Jimmy held the vocalist closer to him.

Another crack of thunder shook the house suddenly, causing Matt to bite down harshly on Jimmy’s lip in surprise.

“Ow!” Jimmy pouted at the younger man, sticking his bottom lip out.

“I’m sorry, baby.” Matt apologized, kissing Jimmy’s bottom lip tenderly. “I didn’t mean to hurt you…”

Jimmy laughed, kissing Matt again and again.

The bed dipped and bounced as Bella joined the pair, shaking and whimpering and snuggling in between them. “Aw, Bella babe…” Jimmy gushed, wrapping a set of slender, tattooed arms around the dog and holding her close.

Once Bella settled down, Jimmy took a deep shaky breath, and Matt looked at him, concerned. “Jimmy?”

“I miss them, Matt.” Jimmy murmured, and as he closed his eyes a tear escaped. “But I know I can never see them again, mom and dad. They’d never understand, they’d never accept it… they-“ he stopped abruptly, burying his face in Matt’s chest.

Matt just held the drummer, rocking him back and forth and crooning softly in his ear. He sang him some Pinkly Smooth, a band he was never in, that Jimmy had talked about incessantly. A band where Jimmy wore kimonos and spoke gibberish and painted his face and was himself.

Jimmy smiled a little, looking up at the younger man. “I’m gonna shave.”

“You don’t like your beard?” Matt asked, tugging on a bit of hair on Jimmy’s chin playfully.

“Well, I can’t imagine it’s fun to kiss…”

“I don’t mind. I’d kiss it all day if it meant I got to kiss you.”

Another boom of thunder caused the men to start. “Maybe that’s my sign to get rid of it.” Jimmy joked as he pushed away from the vocalist and headed to the bathroom. “Maybe I’ll dye my hair back to black as well. How’d you like my hair back in the white album days?”


That evening, they watched horror movies, Jimmy’s favorites. Actually, it was Jimmy that did the watching, while Matt snuck his popcorn and hid his face at the slightest hint of a ghost or ghoul. Bella snoozed contentedly on the floor, completely unaware of the headless man on the screen.

About halfway through the original Carrie, Jimmy shifted so that he was lying down on the couch with Matt partially on top of him. The vocalist smirked to himself at the older man’s actions, subtly grinding back against the older man. Jimmy gasped, placing his hands on Matt’s hips and holding him tight. “Careful, Matthew.” He growled, tongue flicking over the shell of Matt’s ear.

Matt shivered, and ground against Jimmy a little harder. “What? Aren’t you watching the movie?” he asked innocently, his smirk growing wider as the drummer let out a quiet groan.

“I was, but there’s something I like a whole lot better sitting on top of me.” Jimmy replied, biting at the back of Matt’s neck. “And I’d rather pay attention to that, but-“

Matt turned over so he was straddling the older man, grin plastered on his face. “I can think of something fun for us to do…”

Jimmy raised an eyebrow, tugging his lover’s shirt collar so that Matt fell on top of him. “Yes, you could. And I’m excited to take part in those activities. However…”

“What?” Matt pouted a little, grinding down on Jimmy, making them both moan breathily.

“Y-You have a decision you have to make.” Jimmy whispered.

This sobered up the younger man. He sat up. He had thought long and hard about this, and was finally ready with a choice, although reluctant to give it. “I’ve made my decision.” He replied.

“Good.” Jimmy smiled trustingly at Matt, handing him his cell phone. “You have a phone call to make.”

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