Chapter Twenty-Eight: Inspiration

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“The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.”

-          Kalu Ndukwe Kalu

The next morning, Matt awoke feeling well rested, and no longer ill. He sat up abruptly, causing the older man at his side to stir. “Go back to sleep, Mattie…” Jimmy batted at Matt tiredly, and Matt smiled, nestling back under the blankets and pressing himself close to Jimmy’s side.

He couldn’t help but let his mind wander as Jimmy’s breathing slowed again and he began to snore softly. Brian and Arin were coming over today. Matt didn’t want Jimmy to react the same way he had before with Zacky. He’d just have to make sure Jimmy was out of the room.

He was a little nervous to see Brian, as much as he hated to admit it. He hadn’t spoken to the guitarist since they had the fight about the tour. He knew he owed the older man an apology, and he was reluctant about giving it. And he wasn’t too happy about seeing Arin either. He knew he had behaved badly on the beach last time Arin was here, and he would have to apologize to the drummer as well.

With a sigh, Matt looked at Jimmy fondly. The drummer looked adorable, lips turned up slightly as he had a good dream, fingers curling against Matt’s bare chest. Matt buried his face in the older man’s shaggy brown hair, kissing his head gently. “I absolutely adore you, Jimmy.” He whispered, and the older man nuzzled his face in Matt’s chest, sighing in his sleep. He loved Jimmy like this, so vulnerable and peaceful and incredibly sweet. He felt his own eyelids getting heavy and slowly let them slip closed.


“Matt!” Brian called as they entered the house that afternoon, “We’re here!”

Matt gave Jimmy a small, apologetic smile, kissing him softly once more before leaving the bedroom, listening to Brian fawn over Bella. “Hey, guys.” He greeted, heading into the living room, where Brian was splayed out on one of the couches, Bella in his lap, Arin sitting straight and polite on the couch adjacent. They waved their salutations, and Brian stood up quickly after making the dog get on the floor.

“Uh, hey, Matt.” Brian said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Look, I behaved badly when we were here last and I just-“

“No, it’s my fault anyway. I shouldn’t have been so snappy with you guys. Touring isn’t my decision to make, anyways.”

Brian smiled softly. “I don’t wanna tour anymore for a while. I’d rather just do some interviews and have a Master Class.”

Matt smiled, going into the kitchen to get some beers for the three men. He brought them back, to see Arin talking animatedly to Brian. “I mean, I didn’t even wanna go at first, but it wasn’t actually that cold out, and when we got out there, I was sure I’d never be able to get it, but I went out with Matt and Jimmy and-“

He caught himself, shutting up quickly as Brian quirked an eyebrow and Matt’s expression dropped.

“O-Oh, I uh…”

“Did you say ‘Jimmy’?” Brian asked, and Arin blushed deeply, looking down.

Matt opened his mouth and closed it again, unable to find words. He couldn’t believe Arin had let that slip.

Brian looked between the pair, confusion flashing across his features. “What are you… what’s going on?”

Matt could hardly look up at Brian, but when he did, he watched his expression change from confusion to sadness. “You miss him so much still, don’t you, Shads?”

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