Chapter Twenty-Five: Tears and Secrets

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“Nothing could be worse than the fear that one had given up too soon, and left one unexpended effort that might have saved the world.”

-          Jane Addams

Zacky pulled up a chair and sat down next to the vocalist. He had not cried once during the whole time Matt had been in his coma, but now he felt the tears coming. And he would not try to stop them.

“Matt,” he whispered, taking the unconscious man’s hand and clasping it tight between both of his. “they-they said that you’re getting sick. That you’re not gonna-gonna make it. I-Is that true?” he let go of Matt’s hand just long enough to brush his tears away. He was shaking slightly, but he couldn’t help it. “I-I don’t want you to go, Mattie, y-you can't! You’ve g-gotta pull through, you’ve gotta wake up!”

He took deep breaths, waiting to calm down before he managed to speak again. “A-And the doctor gave Gary and Kim the waver to sign so they can take you off life support and y-you’ll…” he closed his eyes, biting his lip hard as a sob threatened to spill from his lips. “I-I did some research, and the standard for patients like you before they take them off of life support is at least a year, usually more, depending on the circumstances. Y-You’ve been here f-for a little over a month. W-Why would he even suggest that?”

Zacky sniffled and buried his head in his hands.

He heard footsteps outside Matt’s room, and voices, one belonging to the doctor, the other most likely a nurse.

“We need to make sure this patient doesn’t make it.” He said, “We have to free up this bed for someone else. All he’s doing is taking up space. The man won’t ever wake up, it’s useless.”

Zacky let out a strangled whimper at this, straining to hear the woman’s reply. “I think we should wait. Let’s give him four more weeks okay? Then I’ll cut his fluids, and it’ll all seem like an accident. It’ll be the infection that kills him.”

“His pneumonia could recede by then.”

“I’ll make sure it doesn’t.” she said this as they opened the door, revealing Zacky with a horrified look on his face.

“Oh!” the doctor exclaimed, “I didn’t realize Matthew had any visitors…”

Zacky didn’t say anything. He ground his teeth together and balled his hands into fists at his sides. The doctor didn’t even have time to blink before he swung his fist.

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