10. Kill me

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Muggle Jail

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Muggle Jail.

Nobodies POV

A week later. The supposed end of their honeymoon.

Damon was forced to stay at the manor, unable to owl anyone for the week.

Damon parks the car and exits, half jogging over to the other side of the car, opening the door.

"Where are you taking me." Adois ask

Damon had a hold of his hand. Damon knew he wasn't his son but Damon was his step father, even if no one knew it.

Adois deserved a father.

"I'm taking you to a park where you can play with kids your age. I know I'm not the father you expected or even wanted but I'll try...for you." Damon says

Suddenly Adois hugs him, making Damon freeze in shock.


Damon was seated awkwardly on the park bench. Woman were staring. He was a freaking vampire and single moms freak him out.

"Damon! Damon!" Adois exclaims, waving at him from the playgrounds castle.

Damon couldn't help but smile and wave back. He was such a happy kid.


Akasha looks grateful as Damon drops him off at the manor. Damon nods, waving softly at Adois before driving off.

Damon squints as he notices his phone ringing and he chuckles, reaching over and answering.

"Hello lover." A voice purrs

Damon chuckles, rolling his eyes. "What do you want Kai." Damon ask

"Well we knew the honeymoon is over and everything, so we were hoping that maybe...you might come over for a guys night?" Kai ask, hesitantly.

Damon chuckles, already turning his car. He was planning on going to the bar. "Yeah I'll be there." Damon says

"Yaaayy!" There were many cheers

Damon smiles, he was planning on seeing the twins later the day so he has time to see his friends.


At the Parker house.

"Damon?" Jo ask

Jo Parker, the twins sister of Kai, she was homeschooled. Damon rarely saw her.

"Hey Joey." Damon teases

Jo rolls her eyes and she lets him in the house.

Damon enters the living room, clapping his hands. "Okay what are we going to do today?" Damon ask



"How the fuck did we end up here." Kol ask

Damon drags a hand down his face in annoyance. "I have no idea." Stefan breaths, he looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

"Okay who should we call." Kai ask

"I would call Caroline but I feel safer here." Klaus says

"I can't believe I'm in jail." Stefan whispers

Damon chuckles. "This is so idiotic, I told you guys to leave that Muggle cop alone." Damon says

"But he made it so easy!" Kai whines

"What are we going to do! My dad is going to actually kill us if he finds out! Not just me but all of us!" Stefan exclaims

"Don't worry, I'll call someone, your dad doesn't need to know." Damon says


Fred Weasley approaches the jail cell, eyes wide in amusement. Damon automatically stands and walks over.

"What the hell happened." Fred ask

Damon chuckles. "Kai and Kol happened, I really should learn from my mistakes and stop hanging out with them." Damon says

"Hey." Came two whines

Fred chuckles, shaking his head. "I'll pay you back, we can't have our families know we went to Muggle jail." Damon says

"Yeah of course...I really missed you." Fred whispers the last part, not knowing that every single one of them can hear, well except for Kai.

It's been a week since they last heard from each other.

Klaus and Kol smirk at each other. Stefan rolls his eyes, he was more worried for Damon then annoyed.

Damon smiles. His eyes said everything.


The six of them step out of the police station. Stefan practically collapsing in relief against Damon, who chuckles amused.

"So over dramatic." Damon jokes


The others were ahead of Fred and Damon, walking towards Fred's car. "Sorry Freddie, I'm guessing this isn't exactly what you were signing up for." Damon says, jokingly.

Fred chuckles, hands in his pockets. "You wouldn't be Damon without all of this, and it's an interesting change, having to bail you out of Muggle jail, the Pureblood Malfoy." Fred teases

Damon smiles, reaching over and gently taking his hand. "I missed you too Fred, I wasn't allowed to owl anyone, I would've if I could." Damon says

"I know and just so you know, George wanted to come but I forced him to stay and watch over the store." Fred says

"It's fine Fred, I'm going to see him later tonight, I want to spend the night with you guys." Damon says

Fred smiles. "I really want to kiss you, but I know I can't." Fred says "oh they know, Stefan practically blabbed to them, he can't keep a secret, and just so you know, I didn't tell him, he figured it out all by himself." Damon says

Fred chuckles, reaching over and placing a hand on his waist, bringing him close.

"It's fine, I mean the more people that know the better, I wish we didn't have to keep it a secret because I want to tell everyone that your mine." Fred says

Damon smiles. "I know me too, but it's for your safety, and the guys won't saying anything, their my family. And Stefan will shut up, he's a blabber but I will silence him." Damon says

"Don't worry, I can protect myself, it's you I'm worried about, now come on, let's drop your friends off so I can have you in my bed and have my way with you." Fred whispers into Damon's ear.

Damon chuckles, pushing him away.


It was just Stefan now.

The three were in the car. It was bloody awkward.

Stefan was leaned forward, his head in the middle of Fred, who was driving and Damon, who was in the passenger seat, his face in his hand, annoyed.

"Sooo." Stefan drawls out.

Damon sighs, turning his head. "What." Damon says curtly.

"I understand that you guys are a thing...how does that work, I mean do you guys take turns, I mean one twin gets Damon one day and the other gets him the next." Stefan ask

"Oh my god, kill me. Kill me now." Damon whispers

Fred was holding back a laugh. "That's a good question." Fred says, he turns to an annoyed Damon. "How will it work." Fred says

"I'm not having this conversation with Stefan." Damon says

Let Me Love You • (George W., Fred W.)  • Book 3 • DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now