4. Dinner Date

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Nobodies POV

Damon stares at the invitation in his hand and his breath hitches softly. Molly was inviting him to dinner.

Damon doesn't know if he should attend.

Stefan snatches the letter from his grasp. "Your not going." Stefan says "Molly invited me, I have to go." Damon says "fine but I'm going with you, because if the twins are there, someone needs to be there to stop you from doing something stupid." Stefan says

"I highly doubt that they're going to be there." Damon says

"I'm not taking that chance." Stefan says "Ugh fine." Damon says


"Why the hell are you putting on leather pants." Stefan ask

Damon freezes. "No reason, I just feel like wearing some leather. Leave me alone." Damon says

Stefan sighs, shaking his head. He knows what Damon is doing. They both have a feeling that the twins will be there and Damon wants to look good.

"Just a reminder, you rejected them." Stefan says

Damon shoots him a look.


At the steps of the burrow.

"Did you seriously bring wine." Damon ask

Stefan shrugs. "It's common curtesy, what did you bring." Stefan ask

Damon sighs and he lifts up the wine bottle in his hand. Stefan and Damon's eyes meet and they both start laughing.

"Your so full of shit Damon." Stefan says

Their heads snap to the door when they hear footsteps approaching. They put on their best smiles. "Are you seriously presenting the bottle." Damon whispers to Stefan.

Stefan side eyes him, making him snicker.

Molly opens the door with a wide smile. "Damon, you've made it, who's this." Molly ask, turning to an awkward Stefan.

"He's Stefan Salvatore, my best friend, I've invited him because he's lonely and has nothing else to do." Damon says

Stefan shoves him lightly.

"Well more the merrier." Molly says


"Boys, Damon and Stefan are here, come down." Molly calls out

Stefan rolls his eyes as Damon straightens himself up. He harshly jabs him in the ribs, making Damon glare. "Don't you say a word to them." Stefan whispers harshly

Damon sighs but he nods.

But as he turns to the sound of footsteps, his breath hitches at the sight before him. The twins looked spectacular.

Let Me Love You • (George W., Fred W.)  • Book 3 • DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now