7. Brave face

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Take a deep breath

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Take a deep breath.

Nobodies POV

Wedding day. Saturday.

Damon stares at the letter the twins sent him, he had a fond smile on his lips.

They wished him luck and that he was their every thought. He knows this was hurting them. And the last thing he wanted to do was hurt them.

Damon sighs and he shoves the letter in his diary.


Klaus stands before Damon, straightening his tie. Klaus looked somber.

No one wanted this wedding to happen.

Stefan stands behind Damon, smoothing down any wrinkles. All three were wearing their best suits.

There was a knock on Damon's bedroom door. The three turn and they see the serious faces of Kol and Kai.

"Thanks guys...for coming." Damon says "we weren't going to leave you alone on your wedding day." Kol says

"Where are the girls." Stefan ask

"Outside the door, they wanted to give us some space to talk." Kai says

"You can tell them they can come in." Damon says

As soon as those words left his mouth, he is bombarded by girls. Damon couldn't help but smile, despite getting married to someone he doesn't love.

At least he had his family.


"Why are you doing this Damon." Draco ask

It was just them two now. "I can't say no to the Dark Lord....I wish I can but you know why I can't." Damon says

"You can run and hide. You shouldn't do this." Draco says "it's not just about me, as much as I want to run, it's also about you Draco, about your life." Damon says

Draco was shocked into silence. Damon nods and he walks back to the mirror.

Draco just stands there, watching him.


"Damon." Narcissa says "Hello mum." Damon says "you look handsome....are you ready." Narcissa ask

"As I'll ever be." Damon says, straightening his suit one more time.

"I understand that getting married isn't what you wanted...you were always so rebellious. What your doing is keeping your brother safe." Narcissia says

"I know what I'm doing, you don't need to tell me. I've been doing it all my life, and these sacrifices aren't for you." Damon says

"I know." Narcissa says

Damon loved his mother, but it was hard to forgive her for abandoning him when he needed it.


Damon stood before the doors, shuffling nervously. Suddenly he feels a hand touch his arm. Damon turns and he sees Caroline.

"Hey." Damon says "hey." Caroline says

"What are you doing here." Damon ask "I was thinking you needed the support." Caroline says

"Wait are you suggesting on walking me down the aisle." Damon ask, his lips perking up in a small smile.

Caroline smiles, rolling her eyes. "I grew up with you, I even dated you, which were the worse two months of my life." Caroline says, making Damon laugh.

"But you are the closet thing to a brother I have. And that means I know you, and I know that you don't want to get married to someone you barely know, but you will. And none of us want you to walk down that aisle alone." Caroline says

Damon surprises both of them when he hugs her. "I'm sorry I was such an asshole boyfriend." Damon says "you were thirteen, and I've met your parents." Caroline says, leaning her chin on Damon's shoulder.

"Doesn't mean I don't still regret it." Damon says "I know you do." Caroline says


Caroline rubs Damon's arm when she notices the terror in his eyes, she wanted to cry for her God brother.

"It will be okay." Caroline whispers

Damon nods and he takes a deep breath.

The doors open.

On the other side were dozens of photographers. There were flashes of lights.

Damon had a brave face as he and Caroline walk down the aisle.

Damon spots his son at the other end, waiting for him. He looked so small compared to the rest. Draco was standing behind him.

This was it.

Fred and George enter his thoughts, he really hopes they don't read the newspaper.


With the twins.

"Damon is getting married today." George mumbles

The two were moping around, they know they should continue unpacking but the thought of what was going on today was bringing them down.

"He is.....Do you think what we're doing is right?" Fred ask "it's not right, but it's the only way we get to be with him." George says

"He's getting married." Fred mumbles

"Shit what are we going to tell mum." George ask "shit!" Fred exclaims


Malfoy manor.

The wedding was over. Akasha and Damon were dancing, newly weds. Damon had a muted look on his face.

It felt like a death sentence.


Damon was drinking wine when he suddenly hears someone clear their throat.

Damon looks up and his eyes widen when he meets the amused gaze of Lorenzo St. John, aka Enzo.

Enzo was Damon's first boyfriend. He left in third year. Damon actually really cared for him, was even on the road on falling for him.

But Damon screwed it up like he did with everything.

"Enzo." Damon breaths

Enzo's lips were spread in a smirk. "Damon Joseph Malfoy, married. Who would've thought. I remember a time when you couldn't stay loyal to one partner." Enzo says

The twins enter his head. Nothing changed.

"What are you doing here, I thought you were in America." Damon ask "I'm eighteen, my parents can't control me. And your brother invited me." Enzo says

"You look good." Damon says, tilting his head, admiring him from his seat. "So do you, I can still remember when you were just a scrawny kid." Enzo says

"I can say the same." Damon says, amused.

"I've truly missed you Malfoy, I wish everyday my mother didn't move me. Who knows, I could've been the one you were marrying." Enzo says

"Maybe." Damon says softly

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