"Oh, Peter! Are you and Shuri finally done talking we need your help!" Tony cried as if he was six and couldn't finish a game level.

Peter shrugged, "Sure I can help."


Peter should not have been surprised when they actually needed help with a game level. They were playing Donkey Kong on the Wii (which Peter had completed all the levels) and couldn't get past level twenty. So he helped them and then proceeded to watch them play for the next half hour.

At that time, Tony went to bed(read: his lab) after saying he was tired and left the two boys alone. Bad Idea. Never leave the two boys alone with the Wii console. Almost immediately, Peter put in Super Smash Bros., and then the fight began.

"I'm gonna win this time!" Harley told him.

"In your dreams," Peter quipped back.

Peter did not end up letting him win just because he said that. It never happened.


"Shuri, I'm not asking him out. He doesn't like me like that!"

Shuri rolled her eyes at Peter. "You are impossible."

"He hasn't made any signs or dropped any hints that he likes me!" Peter flopped on his bed.

Shuri looked at him once again, "You are pathetic."


"I am only telling the truth, you blind buffoon."

"Shuri I'm not a blind buffoon," Peter whined.

"You are right! You are a baby," Shuri deadpanned.

"I'm not a baby," Peter muttered.

"With that attitude you are."

"Ugh, I just... why is he so pretty?"

"Because he is."

"You are no help."

"I am aware," Shuri smiled.

Peter rolled his eyes, he was about to say something when he noticed, Shuri ended the video call. "Ugh."

Peter, the hopeless buffoon that he is, proceeded to sulk all day. Well more accurately until noon. When he then decided to get off his ass and actually work. He didn't really finish any work, but Tony didn't need to know that. He sat there thinking about Harley. His stupid poofy brown hair looked really soft. His stupid hazel-ish eyes that looked bluer in the light, he could get lost in. Just the whole thing was stupid, he shouldn't be this far gone. They weren't even dating for Christs' sake.

Peters' phone went off.

From: Harley

Hey, can we hang out this weekend? <3

Peter proceeded to die.


The weekend came faster than Peter would have liked. He spent the rest of Thursday and Friday morning worrying about what teh heart had meant. Did he send it accidentally? How does one send a heart accidentally? What if that text was meant for someone else but after Peter responded he was too embarrassed to say so?

No, if Shuri was here she would be smacking him upside the head assign that he was a 'blind buffoon' and that this was a hint. Maybe Peter could actually ask him out? No, he couldn't. Maybe?

We'll just see how tonight goes, Peter thought.

Harley arrived on Friday evening, a little after five. Petre almost wished he came later while hoping at the same time it had been earlier. God, he was too far gone for this boy.

Harley Keener... What the hell are you doing to me?

"Underoos, Harley is here," FRIDAY told him. Harley knew his way around but Peter decided to be nice and meet him in the common room.

"'Funny seeing you here," Harley laughed.

"And you, my good sir," Peter chuckled.

They proceeded to act like they were high the whole weekend. The avengers (mainly Tony) were not pleased.


Harley wasn't sure what he was doing exactly. He was crazy. Maybe he was reading too far into this. There was no way that Peter liked him. The hearts were a mistake, the cuddling was uncontrollable, and the spending time together this often was just because they were close friends. Really close friends.

So you couldn't blame Harley when he developed a crush on the other brunette boy. He loved Peter's laugh and the way he always smiled. He just always lit up the room. So gradually he found himself hanging out with him more and more. spending nights together and having video chats over the phone.

Soon there small text conversations turned into long ones, some even morphing into really weird roleplays. Nights of actually working in the lab turned to messing around and trying to explode things (safely).

Harley was definitely going to do this.

It was now Saturday, Harley would be leaving tomorrow but he wasn't going to back out of the promise he made himself. He would do it even if it ended badly.

Peter just got out of the shower when Harley looked at him and took a deep breath. "Peter, can we talk?"

Harley could see Peter pale as he walked over, "Sure what about?"

"Well, you know how we have been friends for a long time and all..."

Peter nodded once again urging Harley to keep going.

"IthinkImightlikeyou,willyougooutwithme?" Harley said in one go.

Peter looked utterly confused, "I have super hearing not super deciphering, Harley, can you say that again?"

Harley took a shaky breath and started again, "I think I might like you, will you go it with me?"

Harley braced himself for the worst but then saw Peter smile and say, "Yes."

The next thing he knew they were kissing.

Thank you for reading and I hope I did this ship justice!

Stay safe and I love you!


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