Meeting the Avengers

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The only time Peter actually .et the Avengers was in Germany. They had only known him as Spider-Man who, they all thought was in his 20s. Nope. Peter Parker the 15-year-old high school student was meeting the Avengers, without his mask.
Tony led Peter into the room. Peter basically hiding behind Tony felt his face grow hot with nervousness when he saw every Avenger except for Thor, Scarlet Witch, Vison, and AntMan, being they couldn't make it. (The Guardians are also not here.)
"Tony? Who's the kid?" Steve asked.
"Is he supposed to be up here?" Tasha asked.
"Is he yours?" Clint smirked.
Sure Tony thought of Peter as a son but said nothing about it. "Everyone, this is Peter Parker."
Peter came out of his 'hiding spot' and waved a bit.
"Tony, why are you introducing us to the kid?" Bucky inquired.
Tony gave Peter an approving glance and Peter spoke up. "B- because I'm Spider-Man..?" He didn't mean it as a question but it came out as one.
The Avenger's face either went pale with shock, worry, or anger. Peter wasn't sure which.
"How.. how old are you?" Sam asked Peter.
"I DROPPED AN AIRPLANE TERMINAL ON A 15-YEAR-OLD!?" Steve exclaimed, his eyes wide with a mix of guilt and anger.
"I FOUGHT A FUCKING 15-YEAR-OLD!?" Bucky exclaimed.
"Language!" Steve remarked.
Meanwhile, Peter returned to his so-called hiding spot during all the yelling. The enhanced hearing was not helpful in this situation.
"You let a 15-year-old boy fight!?" Sam half yelled.
"Guys! Calm!" Tony called, "1st) It wasn't my idea for him to start fighting he was doing it long before I found him. 2nd) he's capable to handle himself in Germany, which he did."
The Avengers couldn't deny that Peter aka Spiderman had handled Germany well. Peter came back out of his 'hiding spot', "Are you guys done yelling?"
"Oh, shit! I forgot you had enhanced hearing.. sorry bud.." Tony smiled apologetically and Steve muttered 'Language' under his breath.
"What do you mean.. enhanced hearing?" Bruce asked, kind of intrigued.
"Oh um... when I got my powers my senses were all dialed up to 11.." Peter said shyly.
"Holy sh- crap kid how do you do it in a place like New York?"
Peter shrugged.

The rest of the night was spent bonding and laughing. Soon enough every Avenger had a soft spot for the kid, even Natasha. All the Avengers were sure that any others of the team were to meet him, they would feel the same.

After writing this, I realized that Shuri and T'Challa were not mentioned whether or not they were there. They weren't cuz if they were it would've been awkward for the whole convos to happen and them not to say anything. So yeah, they weren't there and if I forgot anybody... then just imagine they weren't there either, okay? Okay. (I apologize for any spelling mistakes before this story and im this story and I'm advance for any in upcoming stories)

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