5+1 stories part 3

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Peter POV**

Today was crap. I woke up late. Got beat uo by Flash and got a B- in Chem. I mean what did I do to deserve that!? I forgot my name. Thats what. I feel like screaming I mean a B-! Plus me and Flash had the same answers and he took out his anger on me. So now I have a bloody nose and black eye to hid from my family. Dad is gonna be pissed. So is Aunt Nat and everyone else. Im gonna have to give thw 'you cant kill minors' speech again.

I went straight to my room when I got home. I needed to heal and I didnt want anyone seeing me.

Knock Knock

Go away.

Knock Knock. "Peter?"

Its Steve.

"Yes, Uncle Steve?"
"Can I come in, Pete?"
"Why not?"
"Im sleeping."
"Your not sleeping."
"I was."
"FRIDAY, was Peter sleeping?"
"No, Mr. Rogers, Underoos-"
"It's peter!"
"Has not slept since he woke.up this morning." FRIDAY finsihed.
"Peter Im coming in." And he did. I scrambled to cover my face. But I was too late, Steve had saw.
"What happened, Pete?"
"I fell."
"Your a horrible liar."
"So, Ive been told."
"What really happened?"
"This kid."
"Flash." I nodded.
"Lets go."
"Go? Go where?" I asked him.
"To talk to the others."
"Knew I could get you to agree. Cmon"
"Wh- I hate you, Steve."
"No you dont."
He led me into the libing room and called the others. They took one look at me and knew where this conversation was going.
"What the hell happened?"
"What are we going to do?"
"Who are we gonna kill?"
(Try guessing who said what.)
"Was it Flash again?" Wanda asjed after everyone settled down. I nodded.
"So that who were are gonna kill"
"No! No! Killing anyone."
"This kid hurt you Peter! Im not goi g to stand by and watch it happen!"
"And Im not gonna stand by and let you guys do something that is gonna get you arrested!" I half yelled. "I let him do it! Okay? I let him and I dont tell anyone because its going to make it worse. Or hes going to pick on someone who cant handle it. I can. I heal fast. I wouldnt be able to live with it if he moved onto someone else who couldnt take it. So no you arent going to do anything about it." I stood up, and left, leaving them in disbelief.
"What the hell just happened?"
"The kid just turned into an adult." I heard Sam whisper.

Well? what do you think? I have 3 more stories that I will.hipfully have published soon. Have a great day guys!!

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