Uncle Steve 2

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The room fell silent. At first, no one knew what to think, then Clint broke the silence.
"Biological or..?"
"Adoptive." Tony answered.
"And tony kept you a secret for how many years..?" Nat asked.
"11.." Steve answered.
"11 years and neither me or nat knew? Heck, we are supposed to be spies!!" Clint exclaimed.
"Well, then you arent very good at your job then, are you, Birdbrain?" Tony asked.
Meanwhile, Peter was silent. He hadnt spoken a word.
"Is the kid ok?" Bruce asked (cuz.. hes definitely there)
"Hm? Yeah.. im great Dr. Banner, sir."
"Ok...Bruce." Peter smiled.
"You said he was adopted, Tony?" Cap asked.
He shot a look at Peter. He nodded and so Tony continued. "When Pete here was 4 his parents died in a plane crash, and he had no other family. So, I took him in."
"What were your parents names?" Nat asked.
"Richard and Mary Parker."
Clint and Natasha shared a look. There were rumors the Parkers had a kid, they just never thought they would meet him.
I know that peter was 6 when his parents died and he went to live with his aunt and uncle but i wanted peter to still be adopted by Tony and have it had been awhile so  Birdbrain, i mean clint could freak out about not knowing until now. i also wasnt gonna have may and ben not want him so yeah. there willl be another part soon.

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