Wade and the Mama Spider

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This was requested by Annika_official
Peters POV

My boyfriend Deadpool aka Wade Wilson decided to come over tonight. Not that Im complaining its just tgat, no one in my family kmows that I have a boyfriend, and I dont think they would be happy with my decision either.

We were just cuddling and kissing watching a movie on Netflix when Mom came.

"Hey Pete? Suppers ready!" She called but the second she opened my door she had a gun pointed at my boyfriend. Honestly where does she even get these guns? Im convinced that my mom power is scaring the shit out of people and pulling weapons out if thin air.

"H-hi mom. Uh, Mom, this is my boyfriend Wade, Wade this is, uh, this is my mother."

Wade threw out a nice to meet you, while mom dropped the gun, "I'll just have them save you some food for later, goodnight!" She said as she left the room.


week later...
Tony POV

I had been working on stuff until my husband, Steve Rogers-Stark had came in about an hour ago and had distracted me. Right now we were sitting, I was in his lap and ge was playing with my hair when I saw it.

My little Peter- ok, techinaclly hes Nats son but whatever- was all grown up. Wade Wilson, who Natasha had told me was his boyfriend, was hugging him, and peppering him with kisses.

"Wht dont you ever do that to me?" I asked Steve quietly, nudging him, movie his focus to the two teens.

(Yes, Wade is a teen, deal with it, ya nastys)

"They are adorable."

"Yeah, they are," I concluded, "Hey FRIDAY, start a new file. Name: Spideypool and make sure only Stev, Nat and I can add to it."

"Of course sir." FRIDAY said.

"And add a picture of this to it."

"Yes sir." FRIDAY said again.
At this point Wade had turned so Peter coyld see us looking at them, Steve had gone back to messing with my gair, so all I did was smirk. He mustve known I gad done something beacuase he visibly gulped. And when they had somehow managed to turn so Wade was facing me again, I gave him a 'You hurt him, yoy deal with us' look, and he too visibly gulped.

Ah, they were made for eachother and at that, I smiled.

I dont know anymore its 5 am, but I wanted to do this so, here it is, hoped you liked it, luv ta 😜

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