"Im Peter by the way"

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I havent been doing this but most of them are in Peters POV, and Civil War never happened but Bucky is still there, also this was requested by: @ImLilMissComplicated

Im techincally not supposed to be here but i couldnt bail on Mr. Stark beside I dont think that Mom or papa are even at the tower today. You see, my parents are Captain America and Black Widow, but no one knows, only SHIELD, my 'Aunt' May and I know. Not even Ned or Mr. Stark. Of course SHIELD has them erased from my recond and replaced the with Mary and Richard Parker. I still see them whenever our schedules allow it. So, here I am.

"Good Afternoon, Peter. Sir is in a meeting but you are welcome to wait for him in the communal living room." FRIDAYs voice rang out.

"Yeah ok. thanks FRI"

I made my way up to the living room, stopping in the kitchen for a quick snack when...

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Oh God, I knew that voice.

"Привет мама.."

"Я не собираюсь тебя снова спрашивать, Питер Роджерс, какого черта ты здесь делаешь? (Im not going to ask you again peter rogers, what the hell are you doing here?)" My mother asked me again.

"Mr. Stark invited me over, and yes he knows about Spiderman, no he doesnt know about you and papa"

"You just wait until your father finds out that your here"

"is that a threat, Mama?"

"No, its a warning" She winked, smiled, and walked off.

Great, Papa and maybe even some of the others are probably in the other room. Maybe if they ask who I am I could respond in Russian, Italian.. maybe even Irish...

Of course Clint would understand Russain, so Irish and Italian seems like my best bet, I could even try the Latin Mama has been teaching me....

I walked into the living room and of course Bruce Banner, Clint, Papa, Bucky, and Mama were there. I could see Papa visibly stiffen, while Banner, Bucky and Clint look at me.

"Who are you?" Banner asked me, raising from his seat.

"Um, gan Béarla ..? (um, no english)" I half asked, half said.

Mama muttered something under her breath.

Then Bucky spoke.

"Cé hé tusa (who are you)?" He asked me.

I panicked I looked to Papa and Mama, and spoke in Russian, I didnt care if Clint understood me.

"Почему ты не сказал мне, что он говорил по-ирландски (Why didnt you tell me he spoke irish!?!)!?!"

"Hold up you can speak Russian and Irish!?" Clint asked, completley disregarding me talking to Mama and Papa.

"And Italian, plus a bit of Latin."

"ah, so he does speak English!" Banner exclaimed.

"Yes, sir."

"So, who are you?" Bucky asked again.

"Oh, Im Peter by the way" I did a small wave.

"Well Peter, how did you get in here?" Clint asked.

"Mr. Stark invited me, FRIDAY said I could wait for him to get out of his meeting here, she didnt say you guys were here though"

"You and Stevie have been awfully quiet, Nat, something you wanna tell us?" Banner asked Mama.

She looked to Papa, to me the back to Papa. I nodded.

"Well you see, Peter is our son." Papa fianlly said.

Verses of No ways and Reallys went through the others. 

"So did you inherit any of your fathers powers?" Banner asked me.

I looked to Mama and Papa, silently asking if and what I could tell them.

They both nodded.

"Uh, yeah, I got his strength, um, agility, and I can see and hear better than most people." Was what I said true? Yes and no. I did get Papas strength and agility, but i got more of that with the Spider bite so now not only am I stronger than Papa, Im faster, more agile, mire flexible, and have better senses than him. "Im actually even faster than him."

"No way!" Buckys eyes widened, "Even Im not faster than him."

"Hes just saying that." Papa said.

"Rogers-" Both me and Papa looked up but I looked away when I saw she meant Papa- "Stop lying Ive seen you two race."

"Yeah Papa, stop lying." I chuckled.

"So hiw long were you two gonna keep this secret?" Clint asked.

"Uh, forever?" Papa said.

"W told him he wasnt allowed at the tower, clearly he didnt listen" Mama glared at me.

"But Mama, I couldnt NOT come, Ive always wanted to come here, remember when I got on the back of Papas motorcycle trying to come here?"

"Peter," Papa said.

"Yes, Papa?"

"That was last week."

"And Im asking you if you still remember it."

The others in the room just started laughing.

This is.        , he is the time skip to after the meeting~》(•~•)

The other avengers and I talked until FRIDAY told us Mr. Stark would be arriving.

Mr. Stark beibg the oblivious person he is was on his Stark Phone and walked into the room, forgetting that anybody but Peter was in there, "Hey, Spidey, wanna go work in the lab now?"

"Mr. Stark!!"

It was at this time he saw the others, "Well- shit."

And that is where I leave you, but do not worry, there shall be a second part in the future. Whether thats near or far? I dont know.

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