Uncle Steve

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A/N: I saw someone do this on fanfiction.net, however they discontinued it on there and started a wattpad account, i couldnt find it, bur if any of you guys come across a Robyn Flamebird, thats who gave me this idea.
People had heard rumors about Tony Stark having a kid. Though they were dismissed almost imedeatily, every knew Tony could barely take car of himself, let alone a kid. But, the rumors just so happen to be true. Only select people knew though. Happy, Rhodey, and Steve Rogers. Steve found out by accident but kept it a secret, as Tony wanted him too. So after a mission, he was the only one not surprised to see a teenage boy sleeping on the couch. Tony walked over to him. "Kid? Peter?" he whispered shaking him a little. "Time to get uo and to bed."
"Five.. Five more minutes.." he mumbled.
"Fine. No lab time tomorrow."
Peter shot up. "Going to be-" he saw the avengers, but his eyes went straight to Steve. The others though the kid was gonna start fan boying or screaming but, instead he said, "Uncle Steve!!" and starting running over to him, giving him a hug.
"Hey Bambi," Steve smiled, hugging him back.
"Im sorry- Uncle??" Clint cut in.
"Oh.. hi..?" Peter came out of the hug. "Im Peter. Peter-" he thought a moment. "Peter Parker."
"Doesnt explain calling Cap, Uncle, kid." Sam, this time cut in.
All eyes went to Steve. He needed to come up with a reason without telling them he was Starks kid. "He... he umm.. ive known him awhile.. soo he just has the habit of calling me uncle."
"Howd ya meet?" Natasha asked.
"...Park?.." Peter tried.
Tasha rolled her eyes. "try again."
"Ok, ok, we met here. Im Mr. Starks personal intern." Peter explained.
They all turned to Tony. "When did that happen?"
"Few months ago.."
"And we are just finding out abput this? What happened to we what happened to telling eachother things?" Sam countered.
"It wasnt important to you guys. E works as an inter for SI, not the Avengers."
The team couldnt argue with Tony there.
"Dad? Can we tell em?" peter asked the following day.
"Sure, if your ready kiddo." Tony smiled.
"Tell them what?" steve asked, coming in to the room.
"Pete, wants to tell the team about us."
"Is that a good idea?" steve asked, doubtful.
"Yes" peter said, and went to call the team into the living room.
"why were we called here?" Tasha asked.
"We have something to tell you." Tony, said.
"We?" clint asked.
"Steve, Peter and I."
peter stepped forward. "Mr. Stark well... Uncle Steve can you tell em?"
"Sure, Bambi. Tonys Peters dad."Steve said. Simply as that.
459 words!! Anyways, did i leave that on a cliffhanger? im not really sure. its summer break so im trying to upload more. i have my 5 + 1 stories yet and a part 2 to this, is there any requests? i am taking requests as i am a shitty writer and cant come up with anything. anyways bye for now.

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