flu shots and ceilings

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Requested by: hunth1415
So.. the request was Peter getting a flu shot but not wanting one and Tony having to bribe or threaten him but I kinda changed it up a bit hope that Oki! Also, I'm a f u c k I n g liar I know. It's currently still October, but like... I found time yall. I found time to write.

Peter hated needles. Honestly, he could not stand them. Just the thought of them made him squirm. So when Tony said that he needed his flu shot this year. Peter did not want to go.

He protested, saying that Tony was smart enough to make a flu vaccine pill, to which Tony said, "That isn't how it works." Peter groaned.

When they arrived at the doctor's office, Peter glued himself to the chair.  When he was moved from the waiting room to the observation room where the nurse would administer his shot, he jumped onto the ceiling.

Luckily, the nurse had left the room to prepare his shot which meant Tony had time to convince Peter to get off the ceiling.

"Me. Stark, I don't know if you know this but I kinda hate needles. So no, I will not be getting down!"

"Kid... You have to get down, " Tony pleaded. Before an idea struck him. "If you don't get down in the next minute, no more lab privileges," Tony smirked. Peter could not let that happen.

Peter pouted as he grumbled something Tony couldn't make out. Peter jumped down and begrudgingly sat down next to Tony. "I hate you," Peter told him.

Toby laughed, "No you don't. And if it makes you feel better, you can hold my hand during it, okay?"

Peter nodded. Tony could see he was grateful for the offer even if he didn't show it. The two of them continued waiting for the nurse in relative silence.

The nurse came in with the flu vaccine in hand, as well as a bottle of water and a Dum Dum sucker. Tony count help but snicker.

"Ok, this should be over in about 1 minute, ok, Mr. Parker?" The nurse (who Peter later figured out was named, Sara) asked. Peter nodded.

Sara proceeds to wipe down the section of his arm with an alcohol wipe. Peter gripped Tony's hand.

"Relax, kid. The needle isn't even out yet!" Tony looked at him. Peter was stronger than the average human. What did Tony get himself into?

Sara counted down from three and the needle was in. Peter gripped Tony's hand like there was no tomorrow. Tony would be lying if he didn't shed a tear or two at the pain.

Peter had heard the more you tense up with a needle, the more it would hurt, but honestly, it hurt, either way, so to him it didn't matter much. He tensed up so fucking much. He squeezed Tony's hand a little harder than he thought he would but he didn't care. The needle hurt a lot and- the needle was gone. How long had it been gone?

"Alright, Mr. Parker, I'm all done. You're free to go!" Sara exclaimed as she opened the door and wished the two of them a good day.


Peter looked at Tony as he got in the car. "Mr. Stark, are- are you crying? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!" Peter rushed out an apology.

Tony waved him off, " It's fine, kiddo."

Peters's arm hurt like hell the next day and all the avengers were victims of his complaints and protests as to why needles shouldn't be a thing.


I'm sorry it's so short!! But I hope you guys enjoyed it!!

Have a great day and stay safe!!
- GS

Spider-Man shortsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora