5 times the Avengers called Peter in English

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Requested by: dangit-anxiety
Is it 2 am when I'm writing this? Yes.
Do I have to be up in 6 hours? Also yes.
Do I care? No.
Is this shit? Probably.
Do I care? No.
Hotel? Trivago.


1. Natasha

Peter had thought. Hoped. That after Bucky called, it would be over. And it was for about 2 days.

He was sitting through his boring English class once again. When his phone started ringing.

"Answer it, Mr. Parker."

Peter nodded and took out his phone. He quickly hit the answer button after reading the Caller ID.

Natasha 🕷

"Peter! Thank God you answered!" Natasha practically screamed at him.

By now the class had turned their attention to him.

"What did you need, Nat. Im in class," Peter replied.

"Clint stole Buckys thing from Sam. Sam obviously stole it from Bucky and now if I don't get it back, Bucky is going to be mad."

"And why exactly did you need to call me? Wait, what did they even take?"

"Well.. you and Clint navigate the vents together all the time so I need directions. And they stole all of Buckys hair care. All of it. Shampoo, conditioner, hair ties, you name it."

"Ugh," Peter groaned. "Well I'm in class right now but if you go into the vent by my room and take two lefts you should find Clint there. Otherwise just wait in his room for him," Peter told her.

"Thanks, Peter. See you at home," Natasha said before hanging up.

Peter shook his head and put his phone away. He looked up and just told his teacher to continue teaching. Ignoring the looks of surprise from his classmates.

2. Steve

The next call happened the following week. This time when a phone started ringing the whole class immediately looked at Peter. His calls continued to make English interesting for once. The teacher just sighed and motioned for Peter to answer.

Capsicle 🧊

Peter let out a chuckle at the Caller ID before hitting answer.

"Peter, I know your in class but Tony is driving me crazy," Steve started.

"If you knew I'm in class why did you call?" Peter asked him.

".. Bruce didn't answer," Captain America explained.

Peter rolled his eyes, even though the Captain couldn't see him. "What is he doing?"

"He has had 8 coffees in the past hour and he is entering a coffee coma and I dont know what to do!"

The class all stifled a laugh at that. Even the teacher.

"Just convince him to get to his room before he passes out and if he does.. then well... bring him to bed."

"Right. Ok."

"And don't let him work anymore today."

"OK, Peter. I think I got it. Thanks!" Steve said.

"No problem, Capsicle," Peter laughed before hanging up.

He then looked up to see the looks on his classmates faces. He wasn't shocked to see all of them turned on him.

"What?" Was all he said.

3. Peter Q

The next phone call happened the following day. Peter expected his classmates to look at him right away when the phone rang, which they did. The teacher didn't even look at him as she just went and sat at her desk to start grading papers. Looks like she had gotten used to it too.

"Hey name twin!" Came Quills voice through the speaker.

"Hey, Mr. Quill," Peter responded.

"I need you to settle an argument between me and Rockef ok?"


"If I were to cut of my leg and hit someone with it. Would I be hitting them or kicking them? Because I think I'd be hitting them while Rocket says it would be kicking."

"Let me guess, you asked me because Gamora told you to get out of her face?"

"Uh.. yeah," Quill said sheepishly. "So..?"

"I think you would mentally scar them more than anything. Tell the team I said hi!"

And with that Peter hung up. He looked towards Mrs. Olsen, "You can continue teaching now."

4. Tony

Peter had never expected Tony to call him in class ever. Yet he did. It had been about 4 days since Quill had called him and honestly he had hoped the phone calls had stopped. They hadn't.

"Hey, Mr. Stark," Peter started. If Tony was calling during class, it had to be important.

"Did you finish off the coffee?"

Wait what.

"I went to make a cup and it was gone!" Tony exclaimed.

"Uh... Mr. Stark.. only you and Bruce drink coffee.."

"Oh.. yeah your right. Sorry for interrupting your class, Bambi. See you later," then Mr. Stark hung up.

"What goes on with the Avengers exactly?" One of his classmates asked.

"Whole bunch of weird shit."

5. Nick Fury

It had been 2 weeks since Tony called and Peters class hated it. They missed the short calls that brightened their English class. Mrs. Olsen was happy to actually get through a week of lessons for once.

Though, that was broken.

Peter had never expected Nick Fury to call him. Ever. So he answered.

"Milk after cereal or before?"

What the hell?

The classes mood brightened at that. This was going to be a funny conversation.

"Uh.. after, sir," Peter told him.

"Good. Your not as much as a hooligan as your family says you are."

Hooligan? Family?

"Are you referring to the Avengers, sir?" Peter asked.

"Yes, who else?" Fury retorted.

"Well, its just that I'm the most civil out of them. If anyone's a hooligan, its Clint."

"Ah.. your right. Have a good day, Peter."

"You too sir."

Fury then hung up.

Peter once again, looked around at his classmates and saw how eager they were to listen to his phone calls. Maybe getting them wouldn't be too bad.


Its now 3 am. I'm tired. I didn't now what to do for Furys but I wanted a phone call to be him so... yeah. Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading! Stay safe! Love you guys!


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