Chapter Thirteen: Brandon's Coming Home!

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Well, today is the day Brandon comes home for a couple of days. I'm gettin ready for work and Tyler has Shaelee. That night at Tyler's was magical although, Tyler has barely talked to me since then. He barely replies to my text messages, i'm beginning to think that he was just using me. I haven't been to school so, I don't know what goes on there. Bailey, Paige, and Kendra barely talk to me anymore. Which is really weird, they never go a day without talking to me. We haven't talked in about a week. It kind of scares me. It worries me that they don't want to be my friends anymore.

It was 7:30AM and I had to be at work before eight. I got in my car and drove to work, when I got there I saw Paige.

"Hey girl." Paige said smiling walking over to me as I got out of my car. "Hey, how you been? How's the baby?" I asked. "Good, and good. How have you been?" "I've been good, i guess." I replied looking away. "Talk to me, what's wrong?" Paige asked concerned. She has always been the concerned friend. That's one of the many things I love about her. "Well, me and Tyler had sex. Now, he barely talks to me." I explained. "Girl, you haven't heard?" Paige asked, eyes wide. I shook my head. "Him and Abby are together. He even comfirmed it." Paige said pulling me into a hug. She knew I was going to cry. I did, I sobbed.

Paige said that she had to go to get to school on time. I walked inside and went to the meat market.

"What's wrong?" Erin asked as I was putting my apron on. "Is it that noticeable?" I attempted to laugh. "It's hard not to notice it when your eyes are puffy and bloodshot." "It's nothing." I smiled. "Are you high?" Erin asked. "What? No." I laughed. "There's something. Talk to me." Erin said putting his arm around the back of my neck. "Well, me and his guy. Uhm, we had. You know?" I asked. Erin nodded his head smiling. "Well, now he wont talk to me and he's with Abby. The girl I beat up because of him." I said. I didn't realize I was crying until Erin pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry, just hang with me." Erin smiled. "Okay." I smiled.

An hour has passed and the only thought that runs through my head is 'He's with Abby.' I don't know how to get that thought out of my head. I shared myself with him, I loved him and he wants to do this to me? I'll just forget about it, me and Austin have our date tomorrow. I can't wait! Of course i'm not just going to move from one guy to the next. It's just a friendly date. I already asked my mom and she said I could go so, i'm going to go. Hopefully get my mind off of Tyler.

"Excuse me ms." This old lady said bringing me out of my thoughts. "Sorry, how can I help you?" I asked walking over to the counter. "I ordered the box of premade hamburgers." The lady replied. "Okay, i'll go get them." I smiled walking away. I got to the freezer and got the box that had 20 hamburgers in it. I brought the box to the counter and put the scan sticker on the box. "Thank you." The lady smiled. "You're welcome." I smiled. "Honey, whatever it is that's bothering you. Don't let it get to you, you're to beautiful for that." The lady smiled before walking away. I just smiled.

I was about to go home but, the phone rang. Great!

"Richardson's Supermarket, how can I help you?" I asked into the phone. "Three pounds?" I asked to make sure I heard it correct. "Okay, give me about five minutes." "Thank you." I said before hanging up. I needed to do three pounds of turkey.

I got the meat out and walked over to the meat slicer. I turned the slicer on and started slicing the meat. By the time I was done doing three pounds the person was here to pick it up. I turned around to see Brandon. I smiled really big. "Was that you wanting the three pounds of turkey?" I asked. "Mhm." Brandon smiled. I got the bags and stuck the scan stickers on all three bags. "Here you go." I smiled handing him the bags. "Well, you're off work. Come on." Brandon said. "Right." I replied taking my apron off and hanging it up.

I drove my car home and Brandon followed behind me. I still have to tell him i'm going to be gone tomorrow night. Mom will be home though. When we got home I followed Brandon inside. I went to my room and changed into sweats and a crop top.

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