Chapter Nine: Leaving Florida.

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Well, my flight leaves in three hours. I'm packing my things right now. As i'm getting ready to walk outside I hear a knock on the door. I walk to the front door and open it to see Austin standing there.

"Oh my god. What are you doing here?" I asked smiling. "I figured I would stop by to see how your aunt is doing." Austin smiled. "I'm actually on my way to go see her before I leave." "D-do you mind if I go with you?" Austin asked. "N-no. You can come." I smiled.

I got outside and Austin said we could take his car instead and he could just give me a ride to the airport so I didn't have to take a taxi.

We were at the hospital and Austin got surrounded by fans. I bet he's use to this.

"This wont take very long, just wait with me." Austin whispered into my ear putting his right arm around my waist. I nodded my head. Austin took pictures with some fans, signed there body parts and paper then they left. We walked inside and the nurses just smiled at Austin. We got upstairs to the floor my aunt was on.

We got outside of her door and I knocked on the door. She said 'come in.' We walked inside and my aunt just smiled at me.

"What?" I asked. "Why is he with you?" Julie asked. "H-he wanted to come with me." I replied. "That's great." Julie smiled. "So, i'm taking it you know who he is?" I asked. "Of course I do. My boss's daughter talks about him all the time." Julie laughed. "Really?" Austin smiled. Of course, who doesn't talk about you? I have posters of you in my room! I thought to myself. "Yes, she is going to your concert tomorrow." Julie said. "What's her name?" Austin asked. "Braelie Smith." "I'll call her up on stage. How old is she?" "She's only 12." "That's cute." Austin smiled.

We sat at the hospital for another hour then, it was time for me to leave.

"Well, sorry to break you two apart from your interesting conversation but, I have to go to the airport." I said standing up. "Okay, it was awfully nice for you to come all the way to Florida to come see me." Julie smiled. "Well, you are my favorite aunt." I laughed. "Good, I should be." Julie laughed. "Well, lets go." Austin smiled standing up. I nodded my head and gave Julie a hug then, me and Austin left.

We were at the airport, Austin carried my bags inside and sat with me until my flight was called.

"Flight 206." A women annouced over the speakers. "That's me." I smiled. "Well, i'll see around?" Austin smiled in a questioning voice. "See you around." I smiled grabbing my bags. I started walking away then, I felt a grip around my wrist. I turned around and it was Austin. I looked at him with a 'what do you want' look. He quickly removed his hand from my wrist.

"Uhm, can I see your phone?" Austin asked. "Excuse me?" "I want to do something." Austin smiled. I got my phone out of my pocket and handed it to Austin. He did something then handed me my phone back. "Get ahold of me sometime." Austin smiled before turning around to walk away. "How?" I asked. He stopped walking and turned around. "Figure it out sweet thang." Austin winked and walked away.

Did he put his number in my phone? I went through my contacts and, he sure did! This is awesome!

I went through the sercurity and boarded my plane. It's going to be a long flight. I might aswell sleep.

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