Chapter Eighteen: Baby appointment.

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Me and Tyler were on our way to the hospital for the first doctors appointment. It was a silent car ride the whole way there. When we got there I saw Brandon. What is he doing here? How did he know I had a appointment today?

I got out of the car and ran over to Brandon.

"What are you doing here?" I asked smiling. "I didn't want to miss this. You may not be my real sister but, I still love you to the moon and back." Brandon smiled. "Thanks." I smiled. "But, how did you know my appointment was today?" I asked. "Lets just say a little birdie told me." Brandon smiled glancing over at Tyler who was smiling. "You set this up?" I asked looking up at Tyler. "He said a little birdie, not me." Tyler smiled. I just gave Tyler a serious look. "Okay, it was me." Tyler laughed. I hugged Tyler and told him "Thank you."

"Do I not get a hug?" Brandon pouted. "Of course you do." I smiled wrapping my arms around Brandon. He wrapped his arms around me. "Lets go, I want to see my niece or nephew." Brandon said pulling out of the hug. I smiled. Tyler wrapped his arm around the back of my neck and walked by my side into the doctors office. "I'll go check you in." Brandon said walking away to the front desk.

Nobody talked while we were waiting.

"Becky Hameltin." A girl with blond wavy hair called my name. I stood up and walked over to her, Brandon and Tyler following behind me. "Step on the scale, lets see how much you weigh." The girl smiled. I stepped on the scale and it read '156.4' She wrote it down on her clipboard. "Follow me." The girl smiled walking away. Me, Brandon, and Tyler followed her.

"Did you leave a urine sample?" The nurse asked. "No, no one told me I needed to." I replied shaking my head. "Okay, well do you need to go?" "Yes." "Okay, follow me to the bathroom and I will explain how you do it." The nurse smiled walking to the door. How hard can it be to pee in a cup?

Me and the nurse walked to the bathroom. When we got to the bathroom she explained to me how to pee in the cup.

"Okay, in the top drawer there are towlietes that you will wipe with to clean the area. When you wipe you need to spread the cheeks and wipe the area of any bacteria. Then you will pee a little bit, then pee in the cup so we can get the clean fresh urine to test with." The lady smiled. I nodded my head, "What's your name?" "Oh, i'm sorry. My name is nurse Angela but, you can just call me Angela." Angela smiled. "Okay." I smiled.

Angela left the bathroom so I could pee in the cup. After I was done I walked back to the room. I got lost then I saw Brandon poke his head out the room. I was almost down the hall when Brandon whispered "Becky." I turned around and went to the room.

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"That's our baby." I said with tears forming in my eyes. I looked at Tyler and he had tears in his eyes too. Glad i'm not the only one who's about to cry. I looked at Brandon and he was already crying. "Our baby?" Brandon asked after clearing his throat. "Mine and Tyler's baby." I smiled. "I didn't know that." "It's true." I smiled.

Tyler put his hand on Brandons shoulder to calm him. "It's alright man, I wont leave her to raise our baby by herself. I'm not like that." Tyler said giving Brandon a reassuring smile. Brandon smiled and nodded his head.

"Okay, you're four weeks and two days along." Dr. Blackburn said. We heard the heartbeat, and then Dr. Blackburn printed me off some pictures of my baby and then me, Tyler, and Brandon left and we went to eat.

"Look Becky, i'm sorry I never told you about mom it's just I didn't even know if it was true or not. I always heard mom and dad talking about it but, I never thought it was true." Brandon said before taking a drink of his soda. "Brandon, it's okay. It's really not that big of a deal. I still get to have you in my life, that's all that matters." I smiled. Brandon smiled. But, it wasn't like his usual happy smile.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "I know you would love to have me in your life still but, I can't. The cops talked to me and told me that I can't talk or see you anymore. I wasn't even suppose to come today." Brandon explained. It felt like my heart just broke into a million little pieces. Could this really be happening? Detective Anderson told me I could still see him and talk to him. He told me it was my choice!

"I don't understand, detective Anderson told me it was my choice to talk to you and see you. They can't really decide that for me, can they?" I asked as tears filled my eyes. "It's the law, they can do whatever they want babe." Tyler said putting his hand on my upper thigh. I didn't know what to say. What was I suppose to say? It doesn't matter, anything I say will do absolutely nothing. It wont change anything. As much as I wish it would, it wont. my life will never be the same! I was broken.

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