Chapter One

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"Mom, my birthday is tomorrow." I smiled walking into the kitchen. "I know this Becky, I am your mother." My mom replies in a rude tone. "Hey sis." Brandon smiles sitting down beside me at the table. "Morning Brandon." I smile. "Are you ready for your birthday?" Brandon ask talking with his mouth full of food. Rude but, that's Brandon for you. "Yeah, i guess." I frown. I really wasn't ready, or excited. Last year on my birthday my grandma died. It still gets me every year. I guess it's just the way I was told. My mom told me by saying, "Honey, your grandma Jane died. Happy birthday." Was that suppose to make me feel better about the situation? Because, it sure in hell didn't.

School starts next week and I am totally not ready. Although I miss seeing my bestfriends everyday. That reminds me, I need to call Paige, Bailey, and Kendra to see if they want to go shopping for school clothes. I have my own money because I got a job at Richardson's Supermarket. Paige's family owned it so, it was pretty easy to get a job there.

"Mom, is it okay if I go shopping with some friends today after breakfast?" I asked taking a bite of my cereal. "You better have your own money because bills and rent are due tomorrow." My mom snapped at me. "Don't worry, I got paid today." I replied rolling my eyes. My mom walked over to me and raised her hand to hit me until Brandon said, "Mom, I swear if you hit her I will take her to college with me." Brandon has always stuck up for me against mom and dad. I don't know what i'm going to do when he leaves for college in two weeks.

My mom put her hand down and just sat down. "Why does dad always sleep all day?" I ask looking at my mom. "Because he works at the hog farms all night until five in the morning." My mom replies with attitude. I don't know why she hates me so much. Sometimes I just feel like running away and never coming back but, I can't do that to Brandon.

I scoot my chair out and get up and start walking away from the table until I feel a grip on my wrist. "Did your mother say you could be excused?" My dad growls at me. "No, but nobody else has to be excused." I reply looking away. "You're not everybody else though." My mom butts in. I just roll my eyes and before I know it i'm poicking myself up off the floor. Why does he always hit me? My mom never really does she threatens, but never actually hits me. My dad on the other hand, doesn't care. He would hit me all day if he could.

As i'm trying to get back up to my feet Brandon runs over to me and helps me get up. "Come on." Brandon says with his right arm around my waist. "And where do you think you are taking her?" My dad asked walking up to Brandon. "Anywhere but here." Brandon replies. My dad knows better then to say or do anything to Brandon because he has called the cops on my dad before. "Be home by dinner time." My dad smirks. Brandon nodded his head.

We went to the bathroom down the hall to clean up my bloody lip that was swollen and blood covered.

"I'm so sorry sis, I didn't know he was going to hit you or else I would've stopped him." Brandon cries. "It's okay, i'm use to his hits." I hiss while Brandon cleans up my lip. "You shouldn't have to go through that. They have never hit me, I just don't understand why he always hits you." "Brandon, don't worry about it. I'm almost old enough to move out." "I know." Brandon frowns. "Hey why the frown buttercup? Cheer up, let's go to Kirksville so we can go shopping for new clothes." I smiled. Brandon nods his head and wipes his tears.

I go upstairs and change into a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. Brandon grabs his car keys and I grab my purse. We walk to his car and then we leave. It was a silent car ride to Kirksville which is about 45 minutes away from Milan. We listened to his music the whole way there which is a mixture of rap and screamo. When we arrive at Wal-Mart we find the closest parking space to the doors.

We got inside and Wal-Mart was full. I saw one of my bestfriends Bailey. "I see Bailey, i'll be back." I say to Brandon. "Okay, i'm gonna go to the bathroom." Brandon replied before we went our seperate ways. I ran over to Bailey and he walked towards the bathroom.

"Bailey!" I squealed. "Becky!" Bailey squealed turning around and trapping me in her arms. "What are you doing here?" I asked pulling out of the hug. "Shopping for clothes. What about you?" "I'm here with brandon, shopping for clothes." I smiled. "What happened to your lip?" Bailey asked. I was hoping she wouldn't notice but, she always notices everything different about me. I stood there quiet. "Your dad again?" She asked. I slowly nod my head. "Girl, you need to tell someone before he really hurts you or even worse, kills you. I don't think I could stand lossing you." Bailey puts her hands on my shoulders. "I know." I give her a small smile. "Come on, lets go find Brandon and tell him that if he don't want to stay here then I can give you a ride home." Bailey smiles taking my hand in her grip. I smile and nod my head.

We walk around looking for Brandon then we find him in the girls clothes section. What was he doing in the girls section by his self?

"Hey Brandon, if you don't want to stay here while Becky shops you can leave and I can take her home." Bailey smiles. "As much as I would love to, I better be the one to take her home. We don't need anymore problems at home." Brandon replies looking away. "I understand." Bailey smiles looking at me. "Catch up with you later?" I smile. "Yeah." Bailey frowns and walks away.

I end up only get five outfits then we leave. On the ride home me and Brandon talk about random things. Like, what he has decided to go to college for. He is going to be a business man. He is very smart just, no common sense.

We get home around dinner time because it took me forever to pick out five outfits. Crazy! My mom is in the kitchen cooking dinner, smells like pizza. Her food isn't the best but, it's food. Her nasty food is better than not eating. One time when I was six I told her that her food tasted terrible and I didn't get to eat for a week. Plus, it was over christmas break so I couldn't even eat at school. It sucked. Never again will I tell her that her food is terrible!

After dinner I took a shower and wrote in my diary a little. I keep a book of the hits then I take a picture of where I was hit with my poloroid and take it into the book. I started doing this when I was five, which was the very first hit. When teachers asked me what happened my parents would always give me some lie to tell. The teacher never believed the lies but, they never said anything. So far, I have about 40 notebooks filled, pages front and back, and it was the five subject notebooks. After I wrote and taped the picture into the book I fell asleep.

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