Part 8

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The sound of an alarm blaring, in your ear makes you jolt up in your bed.

"You have got to be kidding me." You groan into your pillow.

It felt like you had just went to bed, five minutes ago. It was strange, usually you had dreams, but tonight it was all black. There were no dreams of Akaashi like there had been for the past weeks. It was nice to be able to get a break, yet you felt empty in a way. It was strange, it was almost comforting seeing him in your dreams. It was the same dream over and over again.

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The warm sunlight danced on your skin as you made your way to the middle of a field. You hold out your arms, letting the tall grass tickle your plush skin. The sunlight made everything look brighter, more lively. Almost as if someone had put a filter on the world. You didn't know where you were going but, your body somehow knew,  you had no control over where you feet took you.

You were wearing a paper like white dress, that made your skin glow. Your bare feet on the soil, you were surprised that there were no stickers. As you kept walking you made your way into a clearing. The open space was full of bright flowers, and there in the middle was Akaashi, he was wearing khakis with a white button downed shirt that was buttoned about half way. He was holding a basket in his hand, as you both make eye contact, he opens the basket and takes out a blanket. He extends the blanket on top of the grass, he gestures you to sit down on the blanket with him. You oblige, sitting down beside him.

"Lay down, you look tired." He whispers, tucking your hair behind your ear.


As you lay down, Akaashi guides your head on to his lap.You two sit there in silence, taking in each other presence.

You mouth moves on its own saying the words that haunt you,"I love you Keiji, I miss you. I am sorry about that night." You sniffle letting a tear trickle down your skin.

"Y/n that's in the past, we are in the present. Let's worry about now." He replies in a soft voice, petting your head.

Opening the basket again Akaashi pulls out a vintage looking book. The red binding peeling slightly, the yellow pages frayed.

"Just relax." he coo's, as he sets his glasses on the tip of his nose.

You snuggle closer to him, as he begins to read. His voice is as smooth as silk yet his words hit you like bricks. As he finishes he closes the book. Akaashi set the book beside him, he sends you a small smile. In an instant his body turns into ash, the wind sweep him up. You franticly try to grab for his remains, but it was too late.

╚────── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──────╝

The thought of the dream makes you shudder.  As you sit up in bed you scan your room, your eyes land on your packed bags, waiting for you. 

"Training camp." You remind yourself, swinging you legs over the side of your bed. You make your way into the bathroom, You do your usual morning routine. you quickly look around and make sure you aren't forgetting anything.

Not going to lie you were nervous. You were going to be at a training camp full of teenage boys. Who wouldn't be nervous? Teenage boys tended to be very hormonal, the worst that could happen is that they could yell or snap at you. The thought of boys yelling at you made you not want to go. You had no choice, you had to go you had already told coach you were going.

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