Part 20

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Your wet hair dripped down your skin onto your what used to be a dry shirt. You had no idea when Lev would come get you for team bonding, it could take an hour, or it could take five minutes.Either way you didn't want everyone waiting on you. So you naturally took the fastest shower of your life.

You never were the type to care much about your appearances that much. All of the guys have seen you looking your worst, yet they never said anything. Well, except Lev. Sometimes he would give you a hard time, but that is what best friends were for.

After a couple of minutes you were finally ready. Sitting on your bed you send Lev a text telling him you were ready whenever. It didn't take long for the three dots in the corner to pop up. He merely responded with a thumbs up emoji.

You honestly couldn't believe that camp was going to be over tomorrow. This week felt so short. It was definitely going to be weird not seeing the other teams everyday.

What you weren't going to miss is the 'Rap battles' the guys would have in the hallways at one in the morning when the coaches went out for drinks. Some one had brought a Microphone, and a small bluetooth speaker.

One night Tanaka and Noya tried to serenade their manager once through her room door. After a couple of minutes she finally opened the door, just to tell them to go to bed. The duo fell on their knees, as tears went down their faces.

"SHE HEARD US!" They both exclaimed, hugging each other.

They were a mess, but you admired their efforts and determination. You have never seen a person (specifically Tanaka) so dedicated to another. He had guts, you hoped one day Kiyoko would see how much he liked her.

You chuckled, you were going to remember these memories forever. Who would have thought this is how the new school year would go? Knocking you out of your thoughts, your phone began to ring. Picking it up you put the phone to your ear.

"Open up, I am almost outside your door." Lev said through the phone.

"Okay I will be out in one second." you replied, sliding on your shoes. Swinging the door open Lev towers over you.

"Bout time you open the door I have been waiting here forever." he said, placing a hand on his hip. Brining his phone to the side he ended the call.

"Boy, you literally just got to my door a second ago." Walking forward you push him aside. "Are they all waiting on us?"

Jogging to catch up with you Lev spoke, "No they are setting everything up."

As you neared the team's door Lev reached over you and knocked on the door. Slowly the door creaked open, poking his head through the door. Yamamoto looked at Lev first before his eyes fell on you.

"Oh y/n how are you doing?" He smiles, opening the door wider.

"Hello Yamamoto!" Raising a hand you waved. Moving to the side he allowed the two of you to pass through.

Entering the room you saw the boys laying on the floor. Your eyes scanned the room, it was much cleaner then it had been before. All of their things had been packed away and ready to go for tomorrow.

"Ayye y/n!" Kai hollered, raising his hand lazily. The others greeted you as you neared the group.

Standing up from his spot, Kuroo faced you. In a low voice he spoke, "I am glad you could make it." A smirk slowly grew on his face.

'Why was he talking so secretively if he was just... you know what I am just going to ignore it.' Shaking your head you responded. "Thank you for inviting me."

"Yea no problem, you are a part of this team too. Have a seat on the floor, I am about to start the movie." Kuroo said as he gestured to the floor. Sending a warm smile you take a seat as he makes his way back to the Tv.

"Everyone get together, the movie is about to start, that includes you Kenma." Kuroo glares at the setter who is balled up in a blanket, hunched over playing his game.

You watched as Kenma clicked off his device, before setting it into his backpack. Standing over from his spot he made his way over to the group, taking a seat next to you.

Taking the free spot next to you was Yaku, who sent you a quick smile before bringing his attention to the screen.

"What the hell is this?" Lev pouts, crossing his arms. "I wanted to sit by y/n, I left for two seconds. I don't know who you clowns think you are but one of you guys needs to move." The silver headed boy said his eyes darted between the two boys beside you.

"No way you should have gone to the bathroom before. I am already comfy, I am not moving." Yaku argued.

Lev looked to Kenma for an answer but Kenma merely ignored him.

"Ridiculous." Lev huffs balling his fists.

"Stop being a baby. Lay down in front of me, and I will play with your hair." you offered.

"Say less"

As the movie started to play, you began to run your fingers through Lev's hair. The movie itself was alright, Fukunaga picked it out. The plot was kinda basic but it was still pretty good. It didn't take long until some of the players started to fall asleep.

Beside you Kenma scrolled through his phone, propping his head up with his hand.

When the credits began to show, you let out a relieved breath. Your back was starting to hurt from sitting up too long. Gently you lifted Lev's head from your legs, before placing it onto a pillow. Standing up you waved goodbye to the boys who were still awake.

"Let me walk you to your room."

"Oh alright." biting your bottom lip you turned on your heel, making your way to the door.


First of all get ready to say good bye the next chapter. Second you guys this book is nearing the end. omg omg omg.  Check out my MHA fanfic Existing <3 Love you all thank you so much for all the reads!

  Check out my MHA fanfic Existing <3 Love you all thank you so much for all the reads!

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