Chapter 9

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Janie buttons up her warm, red coat over her knitwear sweater before stuffing her feet into her warm, black angle boots with a good seven to seven and a half inch heel

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Janie buttons up her warm, red coat over her knitwear sweater before stuffing her feet into her warm, black angle boots with a good seven to seven and a half inch heel. Janie heads downstairs and Dennis hands her the permission slip.

It's been a few days since the accident. Janie missed school the day after because of the freak out. She went the next day and had to bring a permission slip for a school trip in for Dennis to sign.

Janie meets her friends around the back of the school after parking and enabling the alarm on her car. Jessica smiles at her friend as they walk to hand in their permission slips to their biology teacher, Mr. Molina. They have his class second period with Alice and Tobias.

Janie sits in the very back of the crowded bus with Jessica and Tyler while Mike attempts to talk to Bella outside. Janie looks out the window and she sees Alice holding up her phone. Janie and Alice exchanged numbers yesterday.

Janie pulls her cell out and she texts Alice until they get to he community green house. Janie is the last one off and Emmett is waiting for her. Jessica winks at Janie before she goes to catch up with Mike.

"Hey," Emmett greets as they follow everyone inside.

"Hey," Janie greets.

Mr. Molina has Eric at the compost barrel inside. Janie grimaces in disgust, making Emmett chuckle a little at her discomfort.

"C'mon, Eric, stuff that compost down," Molina urges and Eric stuffs his arm deeper into the compost. "That's it." The machine gurgles and spins and a liquid fills a cup, Molina shows it off. "Now that, Tyler, is a big steaming cup of computation tea. This is recycling at its most base in level... Don't drink that!"

Janie cringes. "Why would he drink it?"

"If you were dated to, triple dog dared, to drink it, would you?" Emmett asks.

"As long as I can puke on the one who dares me," Janie replies.

Emmett shakes his head in amusement before he turns serious. "Hey.... Prom is in about a month or so."

"Yeah.., Jessica won't shut up about it," Janie muses. "That, and Eric is on the committee."

Emmett scratches the back of his head as they stop by some tomato plants. "Would you like to go with me?"

Janie raises an eyebrow. "You're asking me to prom?"

"Yeah," Emmett replies as he stuffs his hands in his pockets.

Janie looks into Emmett's eyes for any hint that would tell her that he's joking. She doesn't see his usual humorous and playful emotion in them. He's serious.

"Yes," Janie replies. "I'll go with you."

Emmett does a fist bump in the air with a big, teasing grin. Janie scoffs but she laughs as they fall into line behind Alice and Jasper.

"I'm not even supposed to be here," Emmett claims, "because I'm a senior."

Janie rolls her eyes. "Lemme guess, wise guy.... you snuck on this trip to ask little ole me to prom."

"Oh gee, you got me," Emmett muses as they exit. "I'll se you later, Janie."

Janie watches as Emmett walks away.

"Janie!" Jessica shrieks as she runs up to her. "I'm going to prom with Mike!"

"And I'm going with Emmett."

Jessica grins even bigger before the girls go to the bus.

Janie sits in the living room with her Adventures of Huckleberry Finn novel and she reads it while wrapped in a quilt. Tabitha comes downstairs and she looks at Janie.

"Janie. Can I ask you something?" Tabby asks.

Janie looks up and she nods. She marks the page in her book and she lays it on the coffee table.

"I've been thinking about this since you came to live with me and your father," Tabby says. "Janie, I want to adopt you. Dennis talked to Gennie. She's okay with it as long as she sees you on Thanksgiving."

"I'd love for you to adopt me, Tabby," Janie says. "I already see you as more of a mom to me as o ever saw my own mom."

Tabitha smiles and she embraces the teenager.

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