Chapter 2

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Janie wakes up in the pedistool thing in the middle of her walk-in closet. She vaguely remembers falling asleep there. She stretches and listens as her bones pop before she goes to the bathroom down the hall. She starts up the hot water and she strips out of her pajamas. She waits got the steam before she steps under the blistering hot water, and she cleans off.

Janie wraps herself in her floral silk robe before returning to her room and changing into her school uniform.

Janie pulls her hair into a bun lastly and she goes downstairs

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Janie pulls her hair into a bun lastly and she goes downstairs. Gennie tenses visibly when her daughter enters the foyer. Janie frowns and she walks over to Julio's lucky plant and she gazes at it with dad eyes before she leaves the mansion.

Janie gets into her beautiful Dodge Viper and she drives to the private school in the rich part of Houston, which is also the part of Houston that Janie and her mother happen to live in. Janie parks near the school and she gets out with her books. She enables her car alarm.

"Freak!" Colette, a cheerleader, calls out.

"That's new," Reece, one of the nicer popular girls, comments right back. "You have an insults dictionary stored in your Prada purse?"

Collette puffs out her chest and she storms away. Reece smiles at Janie kindly before due flattens out her uniform's skirt and she latches onto her boyfriend's arm and heads into the school. Janie releases a shaky breath before she enters her second personal hell.

Janie goes home after school and she sees the maids working in overdrive. She furrows her eyebrows and then she hears Gennie's loud, demanding voice. Janie sighs in realization and she goes up to her room to find it untouched. She changes out of her uniform and into something comfy before she hears a knock and Gennie comes in.

"Call your father," Gennie demands in a tense voice. "You're not allowed to live here anymore."

"Why?" Janie asks.

"Because i can't have you under this roof for another second," Gennie replies. "Keep the car, and your unlimited black card. Leave the clothes. I'll sell or donate them. Either way, you're out of here before tomorrow."

Janie exhales shakily as Gennie struts out of the room, her heels click the entire way down the hall and the stairs. Janie grabs her cellphone from her desk and she calls her dad.


"Tabitha," Janie breathes.

Tabitha King is Dennis' wife. They've been married for ten years. They got married two years after Dennis left Gennie. Janie was five when Dennis left, and she was seven when he remarried. Janie personally loves Tabitha. She's a sweet woman and she's a preschool teacher.

"Janie?" Tabitha beams as her husband snaps his head toward her. "What's wrong? You sound upset, sweetie."

"Can I... um, can I come live with you and dad?" Janie asks.

"Hold on," Tabitha says. "Dennis, she wants to come live with us. You know I don't care. I wanted her here when we married."

"Wait, what?" Janie asks. "Mom said you guys didn't care."

"Baby, Gennie never gave a damn about you," Dennis says into the phone when Tabitha puts the house phone on speaker. "Tabby and I both tried hard to get you up here with us."

"So, can I come?" Janie asks. "She wants me gone before tomorrow."

"My god, why!?" Tabitha asks.

"Can I stay?" Janie asks again.

"Of course you can!" Tabitha exclaims. "Of course!"

"Then I'll explain once I'm there," Janie says. "She's only allowing me my car and unlimited black card."

"Then you can shop once you're in Washington," Tabitha claims. "Get your beautiful ass here now."

Janie thanks her dad and Tabitha befofe she looks around her room. Janie goes to her walk-in closet and she changes into this...

She adjusts her bangles and her cute top before she shrugs downstairs with her keys

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She adjusts her bangles and her cute top before she shrugs downstairs with her keys. Gennie stumbles back in shock by how happy Janie looks. Janie bids farewell to the help and she fen gives Julio a big, warm hug as she leaves.

Gennie follows her out. "Janie! I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry, too, mother, but I'm gone!" Janie says, excited. "Finally! I get to live with dad. Did you know he and Tabitha have been trying to get me to live with them for the past ten years?"


"There's no point, mother," Janie says with a sigh. "Can I still keep my car and card?"

"Yes," Gennie says. "Can you... um, could you come for thanksgiving?"

"I'll try to," Janie replies softly. "Goodbye, mother."

Janie gets into her two-seater Dodge Viper and she starts the badboy up. She allows the heat to turn hot and for This Love by Maroon 5 to start blaring and she pulls away from her mother and the mansion, and she heads straight for Forks, Washington.

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