Ocean and Moon

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What Lyra's scar looks like


Lyra's POV

"I don't suppose you have a key?" Sokka asked Aang.

I shrugged nearly certain the key would have something to do with airbending.

"The key, Sokka. Is Airbending." Aang answered taking a stance as I hid quickly behind the hall entrance. Kinda scared of being unable to see I pulled the water from the air so I could later disperse it into the air.

The door whistled three times before creaking open.

I reproached still weary.

I threw my hand in the air redispersing the water my water vision returned.

"Hello? Anyone home?" Aang called, his voice echoing.

I followed after Aang. Katara, and Sokka behind me.


The air was dry as I entered the room. I grabbed Katara's hand as I threw the remaining water in my poach into the air.

"Statues? That's it?! Where's the meat?!" Sokka said dismayed.

"Sokka, airbenders are vegetarians, if anything it'd be dried vegetables!" I pointed.

He swayed sadly.

"Who are all these people?" Katara asked no one in particular.

"I'm not sure. But it feels like I know them somehow. Look! That one's an airbender!" Aang commented.

"And this one's a waterbender! They're lined up in a pattern, air, water, earth, and fire!" Katara continued.

"That's the avatar cycle!" Aang added.

"Of course they're Avatars- all these people are your past lives." Katara said.

"It's why you feel like you know them! Because you were once them!" I added.

"Wow! They're so many!" Aang said amazement clear within his tone.

"Past lives? Katara, Lyra you really believe in that stuff?" Sokka scoffed as I nodded.

"It's true!" I protested to Sokka's disbelief.

"Yeah, when the avatar dies he's reincarnated into the next nation in th cycle." Katara finished.

Aang's heart had begun to slow and I grew worried. At first thinking he had calmed.

"Katara! Look at Aang!" I warned.

She ran up to him shaking him.

"Aang snap out of it!" Katara yelled.

"Huh?" Aang asked sounding dazed.

"Who is that?" Katara questioned curiously.

"That's Avatar Roku. The Avatar before me." Aang explained.

I nodded tapping my chin.

"What about you? Like will there be a statue of you?" I asked.

Aang shrugged.

"Maybe.." he he trailed.

"You were a firebender? No wonder I didn't trust you when we first met!" Sokka exclaimed as I elbowed him in the shoulder breaking away from Katara.

"Hey!" He protested rubbing the area I elbowed gently.

"There's no writing, how do you know his name?" Katara asked.

"I'm not sure. I just know it somehow." Aang shrugged.

Sokka growled in response his point being proven again.

"You just couldn't get any weirder!" Sokka said.

Suddenly I whirled around, hearing padded footsteps.

I quickly jumped behind a statue with Sokka.

"Firebender, nobody make a sound!" Sokka whisper yelled.

I quickly began laughing quietly as my waterbending caught the proportions of the animal.

"You're making a sound!" Katara protested as Aang shushed her.

I stayed silent as Sokka had yet to notice my laughter.

"That firebender won't know what hit him!" Sokka growled clutching his sword thing.

He stood up his sword raised as the animal chattered.

He stopped suprised.

Katara, and Aang peeking out.

The lemurs ears dropped.

"Lemur!" Aang yelled excitedly.

"Dinner!" Sokka cried his mouth drooling.

"Don't listen to him you're gonna be my new pet!" Aang promised.

"Not if I get him first!" Sokka protested as the lemur hissed.

"Wait come back!" Aang called. Katara and I stood there.

Extremely confused.

"I wanna eat you!" Sokka cried chasing after the poor lemur.

I'd lost track of Aang rather quickly as he left my radar.

It'd been several minutes and I grew concerned.

I was hit with a massive ray of heat as my head felt it was splitting apart.

"Aang!" Katara cried urgently.

I chased behind her.

It was one of the weirdest things I'd ever felt in my life. I felt like a second person in my body.

My eyes were a bright blue. The color of the ocean. I watched myself collapse to the ground.

Meanwhile the oceans grew tall, and mighty storms. Unlike any seen ever before across the world.

I floated upwards as colors I had seen years ago entered my eyes for the first time in years. I saw greens, and browns, the blue sky, vibrant red, and warm yellows.

I watched as Aang lowered to the ground. His arrows briefly glowed the same white I saw in my mind then turned sky blue. I saw my sister, and my brother. It was incredible.

His clothes were vibrant and bright.

The wind slowed, and ceased.

I saw my mother. She smiled brightly as she stood proudly. She touched my forehead.

I watched the moment I was born. I recognized Katara. She cried, but I was silent.

Unmoving, unblinking.

Mom, and dad carried me to the water.

Dad held back tears as he prepared to drop my body into the ocean. Mom sobbing behind him.

For a second the moon shined and the ocean flickered with blue light.

My eyes changed as he briefly held me within the water. From the same blue as my brother, and sister to the color of the water below.

The water held me and I blinked, I cried. The icy cold ocean bringing me to life.

Dad looked shocked and a mark, the shape of waves formed on my right hand, glowing blue.

My vision grew dark. I felt myself fade and I passed out.

Sooo, new decision. She's the ocean spirit. Kinda like Yue. I just decided ya know what. Toss that in (if you guys don't like it I'll remove it, just kinda testing the idea ya know?). Anyway I hope you guys liked this chapter. Until next time I'll see you guys later! Bye my Bookworms! Stay safe and healthy. Have a good day!

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