Nightmares Come to Life

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Twisted Sister's- We're Not Gonna Take It. As usual not my song or video, just another song I was listening to while writing this chapter, I hope you guys enjoy!

Lyra's POV

I pulled the now frozen custard from the ground and dished out the sweet treat. Sokka was really happy to have it, and Katara loved it. It was delicious, but I couldn't help but feel sick, I decided to cut off the custard, I must've made it wrong.

Even with the custard I couldn't understand why I felt so sick all of a sudden, there was a feeling of terror that ate at my nerves. My face felt hot, but my skin was ice cold and sweaty.

Unsure of my sudden sense of panic, I called Asura over.

She seemed to understand what was happening much more than I did.

My breathing was slowing, and I felt suddenly dizzy.

Asura was cooing at me, but I couldn't pull myself out of the panic. My lungs felt tight as if a huge rock landed on my chest. My heart spurred at an irratic rate, and I found myself unable to keep up with the beat.

Suddenly I heard the sound of fire, and the adrenaline hit my system.

My panic dizzolved as I reacted. My
arms went into a quick block as the water in the air went as strong as rock.

The water deflected the fire but as the shield broke Jeong Jeong took the lead.

Katara was unable to move as the fire moved past her.

"Go get your friends and flee! Do not come back here or you will all be destroyed" He ordered without room for negotiation.

"But-" I argued

"I'll be fine, now go!" Jeong Jeong stated

We ran up to Sokka who was finished putting stuff back on the saddle,

"Katara are you alright?" He asked concerned.

"I'm fine, we've gotta get out of here" Katara stated calmly.

"Where's Aang?" I asked directly.

Sokka pointed with a subtle motion that I couldn't detect.

"Seriously? I can't see that you dumbo" I said crosing my arms.

Katara patted my back sympathetically,

"It's fine" she assured me, "I can go"

I nodded as she raced to the tent where we'd first met Jeong Jeong.

"So what's got you so nervous?" Sokka asked as he got onto Appa.

Right in that moment Asura appeared with her back reared. She hissed in the direction we had come from and grinded her beak together anxiously.

"Hey, Asura, come here baby. It's gonna be fine" I reassured her.

I wasn't sure how much truth my words held.

Aang ran past us, and I was right behind him. I wasn't going to let him take on this firebender alone.

"Lyra!" Sokka called, but made no attempt to stop me, he was simply warning me to be careful.

"I know"

"Let's find out what my old master has taught you" The fire bender stated calmly.

His voice rang in my mind, and I felt like I had been doused in ice water.

"You're the ocean spirits student aren't you?" He asked looking at me.

"If I am?" I growled, putting up a guarded ice wall between Aang, me, and him.

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