My Friend, Jade

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I feel my heart beat three times faster than normal when she looks at me. How am I supposed to make sense of her piercing eyes glaring me down from across the room? She can't be into me. But there's this tiny sense of hope I hold in the back of my mind, along with the little things she does that convince me that maybe she is.

Jade and I have most of the same classes together. I am grateful, but I can't make sense of why. She usually doesn't show many facial expressions, but I like to imagine that she is happy about it too.

We've been in the same friend group for just under two years now so we've gotten to know each other pretty well. I've gotten used to seeing her long, curly orange hair and forest-green eyes almost every day. But this year is different. It feels different.

I know Jade wasn't in the best state mentally towards the end of sophomore year, but I hope she is better now. From what I've seen so far, she seems better. I've tried texting her a few times over the summer, but she didn't respond. She answered other people's texts, so I wondered why it was just mine that she ignored.

I walk into school on a sunny, early October day and sit in my usual seat in the classroom. I have history first. I settle in and prepare myself for taking notes. Then, I see her. Jade walks in, bright orange hair flowing behind her, and sits herself down three seats away from me. Harsh, I think.

It's true, our friend group hasn't been the closest as of this year, but I think that'll change soon. I just thought that maybe Jade and I would get closer since we are in most of the same classes. But, so far this year, she has been distancing herself from me, and I can't tell why.

I usually talk to my best friend, our mutual friend, May about it, but she doesn't act nearly as distraught as I am. I tell her that I feel as though Jade is ignoring me, but she says that's just her personality. I may not know Jade as well as I thought I did, but I do know that there's something else going on.

Once my teacher arrives, class begins and I look over at Jade, but she looks like she's in her own world. And then, suddenly, she turns. Her piercing green eyes stare into mine and I feel myself heat up. I typically hate prolonged eye contact, but it's different with her. Her eyes bore into mine and look as though they are searching my eyes. Before long, she tears away from our stare and I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding in. Why does she have that effect on me?


When class lets out, Jade is the first to leave and I watch her as she speed-walks down the hallway. Weird, I think. Then, I see Kendall walking towards me.

"Hey," she says. Kendall isn't the type of person to make a big deal... about anything. She usually keeps to herself and remains calm no matter the situation. That's what I love about her; she is dependable and stable.

She also happens to be one of Jade's closest friends, which is why I ask her, "What is going on with Jade? Is she acting weird around you too?"

Kendall hesitates slightly, "No- um, she's been mostly normal I guess." There's something about her that changes whenever I ask her about Jade, but I couldn't tell what. Kendall changes the subject, "Well, how have you been feeling today?"

Kendall isn't the type of person to regularly check up on friends, but I suppose our situation is different because she knows I've been struggling. With a combination of anxiety, depression, and the stress of school, I guess I haven't been "golden." Regardless, I am always shocked to hear Kendall ask how I'm feeling.

"Last night wasn't great, but overall I think I'm feeling better," I answer.

"Better than last year, right?" She clarifies.

I sigh, "Yes, obviously." She knows I was in a dark place at the end of sophomore year. Both Jade and I were. But I don't like to talk about that.

Kendall shrugs and begins texting on her phone immediately. She's been absorbed in her phone 24/7 recently. More than usual. She starts walking away and waves at me without a word. I don't question it because that's Kendall.

The rest of the school day is tedious, but I get through it. I don't receive any more quick glances from Jade today, which is disappointing. Other than that, I'm glad the day is over.

I get home and flop onto my bed, releasing a huge sigh. I stare at my ceiling for what feels like ages and think about what I did wrong to make Jade ignore me.


Thank you so much for giving my story a chance! I am a first-time writer and I am trying my best with this story, so please be patient with me :) This story is loosely based on my life (emphasis on "loosely") so I'm hoping it goes successfully. I hope you keep reading, enjoy!

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