Lovers of Different Kingdoms {~Dreamnoblade~}

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TW: SOFT/OUT OF CHARACTER TECHNOBLADE, SLIGHT NSFW (like very slight) AND MENTIONS OF CHARACTER DEATH (only once though and you might hate me for who I k!lled) 😀 (I felt like this needed a trigger warning but idk 😭)

Techno sighed, pulling his long, pink hair into a messy bun at the back of his head with a few strands falling into his eyes and shaping his face before clipping his large, thick red cape over a white long sleeved shirt and fixing his crown upon his head. He grabbed his diamond sword he always carried and made his way out of his bedroom, into a large corridor of the palace.

    Techno found his way to a small, pink coloured bedroom and walked in, a large smile on his face. "Jessie, honey it's time to get up-" he started, his voice dying down and giant smile falling when his eyes grazed upon the bed, missing a body. He frantically searched through the covers for something, only to find nothing. "Wilbur!" He yelled for his brother, walking into the hallway. "Yes, Techno?" A voice appeared behind him. "Jessie's missing."


    Dream sighed, adjusting the crown atop his head. He hadn't bothered to wear his mask, as he didn't think he would be going anywhere today. There was a loud knock on the door to the palace, and George immediately stood up to open it. "How can I he- Sapnap? What are you doing here?" The black haired boy asked the kingdoms best knight and his best friend, stepping to the side so Sapnap could get in.

    "Sapnap? Why are you here and why are you holding a kid-" the king began, but was soon cut off by a loud yet soft gasp. "Daddy!" The girl yelled, squirming her way out of Sapnaps arms. The child ran over to Dream and climbed into his lap, hugging him as if she hadn't seen him in years. Dreams eyes only widened. If Jessie was here, then Techno had to be here as well. Right?

    "When did you last see her, Techno?" Niki asked, placing her hands on top of his in attempt to calm him down. "Last night. A-around eleven." The pink haired kings voice cracked as he spoke, something that took both Wilbur and Niki by surprise. Technoblade rarely showed emotion, unless it was in front of his partner. Not even when his youngest brother, Tommy, had been killed in front of his very own eyes. (A/N IM SO SORRY I DID THAT TO YOU)

    "Techno, it's going to be okay. I called dad, he's on the way. He'll be here as soon as he can be." Wilbur calmly stated, rubbing his older brothers back. Usually, the king was never much for affection. But now, he needed comfort. And Wilbur knew that. Soon, there was a heavy knock on the wooden door and a the sound of hard metal boots hitting the wooden floor. "King Technoblade," the guard started. "I have a letter for you. From king Dream of Manburg."

    Dream had no choice but to hug the child back, he hadn't seen her in just over five months for Heavens sake. "George, Sapnap. Why don't you two.. step outside for a moment." The king suggested, pushing his head to the direction of the door. Sir George slowly nodded and grabbed the knights arm, dragging him out. Once Dream knew that there was no one in sight, he looked at the girl. "Jessie, oh my god," he whispered, placing a kiss to her forehead. "Where's your father?" The green cloak wearing man asked softly, petting her hair down.

    "At home!" The girl said a little too enthusiastically for Dreams liking. His face fell and heart sunk as he realized that she must've found her way here alone. "Jessie! He must be worried out of his mind! You can't just leave like that, alright? Especially since you're only five!" He cried in a whisper, kissing her forehead once again and pulling her right to his chest. God, how happy he was that she was safe.

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